Hi Folks I believe and indeed am willing to bet, that I have the most effective re-mouthing system on the Planet. It is the number one reason by I am still fit and not crippled or dead, after Thousands of so called ‘Problem Horses’ The DVD Set for this runs for 7 Hours and 24 Minutes so grab the Popcorn if you decide to watch. I re-mouth every single Horse that I am asked to work on and have NEVER met one that ranks. HOW DO I RANK THE MOUTHS OF HORSES TESTING THE MOUTH OF YOUR HORSE Out of Zero […]
These horses frustrate the hell out of me and no doubt the rider’s aboard them, but we can never blame the Horse. Why does it happen and how can we fix it? It isn’t easy. The term ‘Resistance‘ sure describes this habit but what causes it? There are all sorts of forms of resistance and this is yet another one. When the young horse is broken in, hopefully it knows not to be resistant and only gradually, due to the inexperience of riders’ does it learn the various forms of it. The more I think about this subject the […]