Hi Folks,

“Due to the all pervasive censorship by Facebook and others, assisted by the F.B.I. and the White House, (admitted under oath in the House last Week by Fuckerberger) it has become impossible to speak the truth, teach or assist Horses, on Social Media. We are therefore re-commencing my Blog ( 1st Blog on the Internet in 1999)

Remember, only Your truest Friends, will tell You the hard stories!”





20th October, 2024


Hi Folks. Hope You are all safe and well. Big Week as usual but at least we are still walking ๐Ÿ™‚

Dressage Today – Stan’s 8th outing in his short Career

Very Proud of Stanly and my Wife. Lovely to have saved this Horse from complete unsoundness and Buck Jumping. Poor Mrs. HP ๐Ÿ™‚

1st in Medium 4.1

Personal best score of 76%



Anthony Thomas in Court

Well known Show Jumping Coach in Court this Week, for cruelty to a Horse.


Well known Show Jumping representative and Coach has appeared in Court, on a matter Cruelty to Horses, which involved a bystander taking a Video of the Coach. Innocent until proven guilty of course but it does make it difficult for an accused, if there is Video footage of negative behavior.


Letter of the Day – Veterinary appraisal


I have this lovely Young Horse, that I bred. It is with an Internationally recognized EA Trainer and Coach and it has cost me a fortune.

The problem is that the Horse doesn’t want to go forward. Videos attached.

Upon examining the Video and questioning the Owner across multiple emails, the problem became obvious.

The Lady (in Her innocence and overawed by the big name no doubt) has been ripped off by the Trainer, playing ‘fast and loose’ with Her money and Her lovely Horse. ๐Ÿ™

The Rider, training the Horse for Months, is simply a work experience Person from the EU and has no idea how to train a Horse. Indeed, above the bit constantly, flexed off constantly and KICKING WITH EVERY STRIDE!!!!!



We have advised the Client to immediately remove the Horse.

Once again, Equestrian Australia does not protect the most valuable clients in their Industry. The Numbers could be easily doubled. (more on that here Today)


Risk Management in the Horse Industry Administration


Most won’t know that I founded Horselaw in this Country and am a Court appointed expert Witness of countless Cases. Very proud to have created a ‘Court Precedent’ at the Mount Gambier Court, where the Court accepted that I had read the Mind of the Horse, via Video and won the case for the Client who had been ripped off.

As You know, I was at the Dressage Today and I don’t take a lot of Notice but Today, there was a Young Lass (who we felt sorry for) risking Her Life in the warm up arena, for an hour at least. Horse Rearing and threatening to rear, countless times. Luckily someone had taught Her the art of bending when things get threatening.

It was neither the fault of the lovely Horse or the Rider. It was the fault of the Horse Industry. Coaching failing obviously but the thing I want to advise, is that the Equestrian Administrators need to understand, that they have a responsibility, at Law, to protect their Clients and they also have a responsibility to protect their Insurance Company. Neither of these things happened Today and we could well have had a ‘Wheel Chair’ incident and the multi million dollar Court Case, Safework SA and more.

Equestrian SA should realize these things and advise Clubs to have an Official approach Rider’s in this situation and advise them. Point them in the right direction and recommend People within the Industry, to save them.

In this case, the fix could have been 5 minutes with a Coach who knows about these things ๐Ÿ™





Had a lovely afternoon this Week, working with the feral Weanlings and progressing to tying them up and stock whip training, knee hobbles, stockman’s hobbles and one of them (a handy Cow Kicker) learnt after treatment of a cut but not trained by the Breeder to be touched prior, the Collar Rope, so that we can actually touch the back Leg without Him shaking Hands with your Skull ๐Ÿ˜‰ Now for the fillies.

My sincere congratulations to the Owners, for attention to detail and willingness to learn, providing wonderful facilities and going to any length to support their Horses. 2 of their Horses won in Adelaide and Melbourne Yesterday and one is heading for the Oaks.!!!






Innocent until proven guilty of course but there is an increasing number of Ladies who are relating stories about a Horse Dentist in the Southern Regions, hitting Horse in the Head and kicking them in the guts.

This of course is not on and will probably destroy his Business. Steer clear of anyone in the Industry, who allows their emotions to influence their Horsemanship!




The โ€˜Golden Ruleโ€™ is that one must NOT hit Horses about the Head, for this reason, the possibility of producing Head shyness and others, but to be objective and from an educational training perspective, certain types of contact with the Head, is acceptable imho.


  • A flick in the nose for attempts at nipping or learning to nip Humans, by Young Horses (and I had one last Week)
  • Colts and their games
  • And then there is the rearer. Rearers often end up at the Abattoirs and to fix a rearer is to save the Life of a Horse. I have fixed many. An instant swipe across the ears, with an open hand, sideways, at the SPLIT SECOND that the Horse lifts off the ground and ON THE WAY UPWARD, and NOT after. If you donโ€™t have the reading and the timing, stay away from it.

    For interest, the ONE REIN STOP is not to be used to fix rearers. For you will pull the Horse over backwards upon yourself.


So there are degrees in everything but hitting horses for any reason of temper, frustration, ego or anything much other than what I have just explained, is an absolute no no.




Months of the daily repair,




and then plait a new one with larger holes and no more damage for a Month.







Telstra is attempting to gain the permission of any Neighbor, in the District, to erect a 40 metre high 5G Mobile Phone Tower. Council wonโ€™t talk to us about it, Councilors wonโ€™t, the Liberal Member wonโ€™t and the Federal Member wonโ€™t. They all go the new thing called โ€œShadow Banโ€

During the last 4 Years, when the Politicians and Media (all supporting the Offenders) started naming any new negative idea about the Covid GMO (not vaccine) as โ€˜Conspiracy Theorist or Mis-information peddlers. The problem for them has been that basically 100% of all Conspiracy Theories, have come true. Indeed, so much so that they have now run out of โ€˜Conspiracy Theoriesโ€™ and are going to have to invent new oneโ€™s. I have.

I have warned Hellstra and Council, about the presence of GRAPHINE OXIDE within the Jab.ย  When exposed to a Mobile Phone, in tests, the graphene starts performing contortions. Turn the phone call off and it stops.

5G is a new technology and it has not been tested long enough. Just like other things we know. So we are concerned about what the future may hold, for those of us who took the medicine โ˜น

Now, we have the latest research, with an examination of blood from 4,000 deceased persons.ย 

Self assembling Nano Particles that communicate, were found, together with flashing blue Lights.

Those who want the Research, email me.




โ€œIf You are at a Show Venue, observe the Pasture. If there is Barly Grass, DO NOT allow Your Horse to put itโ€™s Head down for one moment@#$%^&*. It can and does embed in the Gums and once there, it will travel within the tissue and can end up requiring an operation for all sorts of reasons, not to mention the ridden frustrations until a Veterinary investigation reveals the problem after Ulcers.โ€




There is not a poison made for it. Broad Leaf spray doesnโ€™t work. If You get it in your pastures, you are stuffed. You have to Roundup and kill all pasture, for as long as it takes to stop it.

If in a Park or Lawn, one should mow it at the lowest level possible, many times during Spring but note, even then it will adapt ย and keep sprouting, but each time lower, to beat the Mower!!




โ€œRemember, only your very best Friends, will be brave enough to tell You confronting thingsโ€


Is rife across the World now, caused by the medical interventionโ€ฆ.BUTโ€ฆ.thanks to some brilliant and brave Doctors and Scientists around the World, they have proved that the Evil Big Pharma Products, are being out gunned by some magical

Please be brave and smart. Open your ears!!

TIP โ€“ “if You are not on Twitter, You are not educated!”


TIP – “Don’t wait for Doctors. Get in immediately. You have nothing to lose and Your Life to Win!!!!!!


And I could go on and on. Now we have the Dog Wormer saving Breast Cancer Patients as well.


If anyone want links to other things, email me. F———-k Bill Gates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Catch You next Week Folks





13th October, 2024

Hi Folks, hope You are all well. Plenty happening as usual. Never a dull moment.

This Week we have been dealing with another set of ‘Fake Buyers’ for Gainsborough, set ups to keep tabs on us and to manipulate any future price. We have had at least 20 of them now and last Year indeed, sued one of them in the Magistrates Court where we won the Case and they had to pay. The ex Wife of a Partner of Garden Grove Supplies. She admitted in the Court, that Her Husband was good friends with the particular Developer. This Week, a new strategy, Indians, not Lebbo’s.


Oh my God…..where in the Hell am I?

Celeste went out Yesterday, for Her first look at a Dressage venue and I must say, was pretty perfect in every way, floating, ridden and tied up at the Float.

She has taken a long time for it is probably the biggest Canter in the Business, so big that she has had enormous trouble getting it together around Circles. Anyhow, all good and will now start in Prelim soon. They sure don’tย  mature until at least 6 year old’s.



Cont’d – the Neighbor from Hell

Yes….we received the Summons, for $4,800, “Loss of agistment in the Paddock because the fence was mysteriously cut to pieces and put on our Dressage Arena, during the Night. I had had enough of this dude by then and for the first time in his 20 year ‘Reign of Terror’ he was going to get some back.

We appeared on the Summons and demanded a Trial in the Elizabeth Court. His Paddock consisted of his Wife’s Horse and Her Sisters, no agistment. At the time, I was consulting to the RSPCA and whilst there were at Gainsborough one Day, because I am spychic and had him worked out already, I got them to completely photograph the Fence, before it was destroyed.

He was alone at the Court but I had my witnesses and the RSPCA, ready to go. He got up, most confident and stated to the Court that I had pulled down the Fence. That was at 10am and his evidence lasted 4 minutes. Then I got to cross examine Him ๐Ÿ™‚ We adjourned at 4pm and I still had him in the Box ๐Ÿ™‚ At the start of the Day, there was one Sheriff in the Court, by Lunch time there were 2 and after Lunch, there were 3. They were even making Hand Signals to me at times, like cut the throat signals ๐Ÿ™‚ He was losin it!!!!!!

We adjourned and had to come back the next Day and that is when he totally lost it. I asked Him to describe the condition of the fence to the Court. Barb, Plain Wire, Sheep Wire and so on. Oh it was perfect condition but then I asked to produce a Photo of the Fence, prior to destruction (which the Court allowed) and when he saw it, he totally lost it ๐Ÿ™‚ He started ranting and raving that I was a Murderer and the most Mild Mannered Magistrate at the Elizabeth Court, suddenly erupted with Rage, kicking the Case out of Court, awarding thousands of Cost against Him (which he never paid of course) at that was that. The Sheriffs escorted us and our witnesses, out of the Court, to our Cars and told us that he was suing 7 other People in the Court at that time AND, that the Neighbor who hung himself, had also been in front of the same Magistrate, with the Thug winning and conning the Court.

We were mighty worried as our Restraining Order against Him was due to expire on New Years Eve but we did survive, in fact, everything totally changed after that. I ran into Him in the Foodland Aisles a Week later and said G’Day and he was totally normal. Obviously respected the strength. A Week later, he came roaring into our Driveway, shot down the back of the Property and saved a Foal that had been dragged under the fence by a Stallion in the next Paddock, saying…..”That’s what Neighbors are for” ๐Ÿ™‚ Got to give Him that one.

Of course, that wasn’t the end of it and we still have 2 more Deaths and more to come.

to be continued……….


Weather modification systems

Yes Folks, another non conspiracy theory. It’s been worked on since at least 1945 and Doctor Evil (Bill Gates) has a patent on it. Here is Colonel McGregor US Army, interviewing those who know all and yes, they were playing with the Florida Storms. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

If You are not on X, You will know nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Facebook etc, are for ‘Sheeples’

Go here for the full education!!


Gainsborough Soap ( a big Week)

‘Gainsborough has been full again’ and of course the games begin. There has been a Young Lady, terrorizing Mrs. HP on the phone, even doing the speed dial thing on numerous occasions. She is a ‘Soap Opera Queen’ and a trouble maker, fighting with other agistees and all the rest. Just what we need after 35 Years of putting up with similar events on too many occasions.

She complained last Week, that Her Horse had rubbed on the rear Wall of it’s Stable and it had self destructed because of White Ants and so I organized to go down there Yesterday, to replace the wall.

I noticed Her Horse was a total Darling and was ‘all over me like a rash’, having to rope off the Door to stop it helping me with the Power Saw, Drill and other sundry equipment ๐Ÿ™‚ The Timber hadn’t been picked up (broken kick boards) and the Horse had obviously not been fed (Lunch time by now) While I was working, I noticed that it was so starving hungry, that it ate 3 Manures, had been eating the inside of the opposite wall and no doubt, had not been rubbing but had been trying to eat the broken wall.

anyhow, fixed the Wall.


Now these ‘Drama Queens’ in the Horse Industry, are big on terrorizing everyone else but they never look after their own Horses. The Teeth had not been done on the Horse, it had plenty of Sand in it’s Guts and (she has some big Vet Bills coming), Old Coat can’t let go and under weight by 100kg. Overdue for a cut back and Trim and wormy. A real good owner.

Of course word got back to Her that I had commented on the Horse and off she goes.

We are going to bad Mouth You for white Ants hahahaha and Mother (who works for the RSPCA, is going to bad mouth us as well. ๐Ÿ™‚ He Horse has IMPROVED OUT OF SIGHT in condition, having been neglected before she got it, some Months prior. Oh yea??????? She sends us a Photo ๐Ÿ™‚ So let’s see now?





The Blue Halter that never gets removed ey?

Yea right!

So “She is on Her Bike” ….but “she wasn’t moving for a Month”……Yes You are Darling. Git!!! Met you all before and had an absolute Gut full of You. ๐Ÿ™



oh, guess what???…….it had the ‘impossible to eat out of new age fashion statement of a Hay Net, just to give it more terror….BUT…….as we said last Week, yep, it had eaten a bloody great big hole our of the bottom of it!!!!! Well done Horse!!!! Saddleworld, Bonnets and the rest of them, should stop selling them!!!! Cruelty to Horses.


Vaccines owned by N.I.H – evil

Supervised and owned by the Military and Pfizer, Moderna, just told to put their names on them.


Tip of the Day

”ย Horses love to sleep in their Yards, but they are not game to do so, if there isn’t enough Sand. The reason is that when they go to get up, they take the skin off their Hocks and suffer pain, so they lose that little luxury in Life by a lack of education or negligent Owners who can’t think laterally.”




It didn’t take long for a real life example of this raises it’s Head again.

A couple of Years ago, a Pupil purchased a horse off a Level 2 General/Eventing Coach (who has been a serial pest for many years) and because of the impressive name of the Coach, (who stated that the Horse had been Vet checked) the Buyer didn’t get one.

It came for a Lesson with Mrs. HP and she noted that the Horse was ‘Crooked’ and ‘Tilting it’s Head’ Ok, that could be Coaching or Riding, so on they go.

This Week, it was put down by the Vet’s due to multiple unsoundness issues.

Does the Industry lose another member? It happens too regularly Folks.


Blast from the Past

Yes, this ‘Crooked Horse Sale’ was conducted by a Coach and I said it was a ‘Serial Pest’

I well remember one of the MOST crooked Horse Sales we have ever seen.

The up and coming Young Rider with the cashed up Mum, wanted to go to the second Horse and found the Black Warmblood. We warned them to take a Video and bring it back to us, but Mother fell in love with the Horse and purchased it on the spot.

We saw the Video later and the Coach (this Coach) pulled one of the most shonkey tricks we have ever seen at a Horse Sale.

Coach put the Young Lass on and gave Her a Lesson, but was teaching complete anti dressage, attempting to cover up an unsoundness with the Horse, by teaching COUNTER CANTER on a 4 Year Old, with COUNTER FLEXION, masking a problem that the Horse had on one of the Hinds.

It arrived at Gainsborough 20 Years ago and the excited Lass Saddled the Horse up and went to the Arena with us. Half a Lap later, we informed Her that the Horse was unsound.

Indeed, it was so unsound, that it went to Stud. Dr. Harry Freunfelder came and declared it finished. 4 Year Old.


One Day I will tell You the full story but in the Years following, one other South Australian Equestrian Coach, ripped Her off to the tune of $70,000 and then a Level 3 Coach ripped Her off for $40,000 in Sydney, finishing up with a ‘Blonde Bombshell’ in SA, trying to get Her for $100,000 on a useless Horse.

Be Careful out there Folks!!!!!!!………


Victor Harbor of the Week



A lovely afternoon with lovely Horses and People


Spent the afternoon having fun with lovely Yearling Colts, one unable to be gelded by a Vet. Simply unhandled. Astounding how hard they try when given the challenge and ended up cracking a stock whip alongside one of them.ย 

Then got introduced to 3 Yearling Fillies, all requiring introductory work to make them safe in their Life. All sweet, friendly but unmanageable for treatment, farrier and let us ever not forget the BUSH FIRE!!!!! How often does that happen where we can’t load our Horses as the Fire front is arriving? Fair Point???? Think about it!



Here is Celeste

img55-e1577425084577 and Mummy ๐Ÿ™‚


Video of the Week



Catch You all next Week





6th October, 2024


HI Folks. How are You all? Hope You had a good Week and a nice rest this weekend.

Busy as always for us, took the Bobcat to Gainsborough this Week and spend a Day working on things. Dangerous Trip as the load weight 4.2 Tones, so slow trip. Thanks God for the F Truck.

Mrs. HP has been very busy Coaching and Cappo is now teaching 6 Days a Week :)….so keeping fit, the fat Bustud ๐Ÿ™‚ I have been keeping up with the Farrier work as usual, with 4, they come around pretty quick.


Gainsborough Soap

I told You this bloke was a Master of terrorization and Anne Simmons often ahd to lock Herself in the House and call Her Husband to come Home.

Anyhow, we moved in and it didn’t take long for Him to start on us. He had systematically done the District, for 20 Years, about 2 Years per Family.

The Neighbor at the back, Jim an earth mover and Sons eventers, copped it before us. Horses Tails cut off in the Night and other weird things. Then one Day, Jim had a Truck load of Clean Fill and thought Anne would take it but she didn’t want it, so he called into the Neighbors place who straight away said ‘Yep, dump it here, in the Creek” He did. Within a Week, he received a Summons for the removal of the fill and damages, in the Elizabeth Court, where he won the case. In the end, the Truckie was found dead (from memory – death by hanging) ๐Ÿ™ That was Death number 1 but wait for it, I have 2 more to relate to You!!

Shortly after we moved there, I decided to improve our bottom entrance and put some white boards along about 20 metres of the Boundary fence. Well!!!!…that was it.


We received a Summons, in the Elizabeth Court, for $3,500, for the damage to his fence. We attended and saw Him acting like a seasoned Lawyer, taking control of the Court. The Magistrate asked if I would like to give our story and I simply said, “Your Honor, we don’t want to waste the Courts time but we haven’t damaged the fence, just improved the look for our entrance.ย  I had gone and got a quote from Elders, for a roll of barb, plain wire and sheep wire and offered the Court, I would replace the wire, new, if the Court would organize Police Protection. Total Cost $102.40. The Magistrate ordered the Neighbor pay $52,20, which he never did and he left the Court beside himself with rage. I didn’t realize it but he was suing 7 other People in the Elizabeth Court at the time.

Anyhow, he then turned his sights to us and started by barging straight through the front door of our home (where anne had been – with the Star Force incident) and threatened me for daring to speak to one of his agistees, over the adjoining fence one day (before I realized his reputation. We called the Police and he left. This is his double. (on the left)


Anyhow, it all started from there. We would get up in the Morning and the Flood Lights would be turned on on the Dressage arena, the electric fence would be turned off, often Horses clipped to Paddock Gates with their Rugs and much more.


He graduated to walking around our Property and eye balling agistees, none of which worked. So because our Dressage Arena was right along side his Paddock, he went and purchased a Trail Bike and as Mrs. HP would ride along the long side, 2 metres away, he would roar it and do hand stands, up and down the fence line but that didn’t work either for she too ignored Him and so did our Horses.


Mrs. HP had a Yellow Holden Kingswood. He went and purchased a green Holden Kigswood. Mrs. HP sold Her Car and upgraded to a bronze Toyota Corolla. He sold his Kingswood and got a bronze Toyota Corolla. He rang Her one Day and quietly said down the phone …..”It’s not You I want Linda, it’s John!!”

Then one Morning, Mrs. HP went down early, to feed all the Horses and found 100 metres of the boundary fence, cut into pieces, with plain wire, barbed wire and sheep wire, all thrown into the Dressage Arena.!!!!ย  We immediately drove to the St. Agnes Police Station, to apply for a restraining order but when we walked in, the Neighbor was at the Counter, reporting that we had cut the boundary fence to pieces. He was taken into an interview for half an hour and we had to wait in the foyer, then we gave our Statement.


Because I can read Minds, I straight away picked the Police Officer as a problem, for now matter what we said, he took the side of the Neighbor. I locked that fact into my Mind for later.


A Week later, we received a Summons in the Elizabeth Court, for $4,800 Losses of agistment. That was it, the “Gloves are now off” and I sent a defense to the Court, requesting a Trial, for there were only 3 horses on his Property, owned by his wife and his Sister in Law ๐Ÿ™‚

to be continued………


Hay Nets Research – let the Horses do the talking

Cappo agrees with me completely. Small hole Hay Nets are a total pain in the Ass to Horses and would even contribute to Ulcers. I have been having an ongoing battle with Him, DAILY, having to fix bit Holes, he puts in his Hay Net, every Night, which I have started repairing with WIRE each Day.


cappo-haynet-300x187 So we made Him one out of Baling twine, with the holes acceptable and he doesn’t bit it at all. Spoken, by the Horse!


20240930_163034 20240930_163034-225x300




Due to the University training of new Vet’s these Day, with an abysmal level of Horsemanship evident, Vet’s are going around ruining the progressive training of Young and Green Horses and it drives me absolutely BLOODY NUTS!!!! and Mrs. HP is even more wild than I.

This Week, I went to help a new Business


Now this Yearling COLT urgently needs to be Gelded, for his own safety and of others. They are creating havoc, kicking, rearing and attempting rapes ๐Ÿ™‚ Doing a Puff Daddy hahahaha

He had to be run into the Yard for he is basically unhandled (more about that in a Minute) Completely sensitive where you can’t catch in a round Pen and don’t bother trying to touch his Face.

Anyhow, he and I became very good Friends and I felt sorry for Him. We caught Him, won his Trust, became his Mate, Boots on, hobbles no problems, lifting front Legs and more.

The following Day, he was to be Gelded and so the Adelaide Hills Vet came and basically frightened the Crap out of the Horse, ruined it, undid all my work and trust and totally failed. Zero Horsemanship understanding, standing a metre off the wild horse, trying to stab it intra muscularly and then would You believe, thought she would give it an Oral Tranquilizer!!!!!!……..Yea Right, as if, on a Horse that can’t be touched on the Face and so has not been wormed!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Anyhow, a total fail and this sort of thing is a regular occurrence with this particular large Vet Practice and yes, You can tell them I wrote about them. Lift your Game Folks and stop sending Junior Vets out to do jobs on ‘Green Horses’ and this one was way worse than Green!!!!

So now we have to resurrect the Life of the lovely Boy and have organized an Old time Vet to come and do the job and we will help. What a shame the Vet had not been taught to inject into the Artery, without the horse knowing????? As we said…..disgusting!!!


Now for the failed Racing Industry Administrators

Yep, they think they have it all sussed out but they are dam hopeless. South Australia Jockey Club, tell me please……WHAT IN THE HELL do you think You are doing, allowing the Horses under your care and control, being bloody Ferral and worse, going to new entrants to Your Industry, spending squillions for the new found love it. Where is your so called Bullshit HORSE WELFARE guidelines???? It’s all crap. Half the Horses in Your Industry are NOT WORKED, NEVER THE FEET DONE, NEVER DONE FOR SAND, NEVER TEETH DONE and worse, why, because they can’t be bloody caught!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The amount of Injuries done to their ferral Horses is mind boggling. Take a look at the Photo, look at the squillions that urgently needed new players in the Industry are spending and You dare to let them be dished up to these Amateur People who are just Learners?????


Now for the Race Horse Trainers

Again, ferral Horses, ferral Young Stock, endangering the lives of the poorly paid Workers who have to fend for their Lives to even feed them and worse.

Again, S.A.J.C. You fail. Get out of Your Carpeted Officers and get Your Hands Dirty. Teach some of Your Trainers HORSEMANSHIP!!!!!!!!!! and demand Horses are properly prepared for the life You want to suddenly spring on them. There should be a rule that 100% of the Thoroughbred Horses bred in this Country, are Halter Broken, Tied up, Float Trained, Leg Restraint Trained and NH Trained, by 4 Weeks of age


The Hoofs of Foals should checked on Day 2 of their Life


and now the Local Farrier

A Farrier went there a couple of Weeks ago, to do the hooves of the untouchable Horse. What did he do?……he tied the bleedin thing up to the round Yar, (the other one that will lead) and hang back of course, up in the air, Legs over the top of the round Yard, $50,000 at immanent risk of disappearing before his eyes. Wanker!!!!!! Farriers also need to go to Horsemanship Schools! ….brain dead.



Victor Harbor of the Week – thanks Niki

Got up at 4am.. to capture the C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan- ATLAS comet rising close to Seal Island. Encounter Bay. The comet is moving very close to the sun each day. You can see it very faintly.. I believe it will be harder when it gets closer to the sun

461767702_1071768678289584_5037426159732285664_n-300x200 Thanks Niki for photo.


Video of the Day


This Horse was not ready to mount of course.

Here is the 1st Day of arrival, completely un-started.







HI John,

Iโ€™m interested in buying one of your bits.
The horse at the moment is being ridden in an egg butt Trust Innocence Bit (5.25 inches) but he leans into it and I want to change back to a loose ring. His previous owner rode him in a modified pee-wee which my dentist threw out. He needs a thin bit (not as thin as the pee wee) but something that is kind on his fleshy lips.

Iโ€™m looking at the barrel, loose ring with snaffle with sleeves so his lips donโ€™t get pinched. You have 5 and 5.5 inch in size and Iโ€™m thinking 5.5 will be the way to go given itโ€™s a loose ring snaffle. Do you mind advising on sizing please?


Haha Suzie, I just luurve the ‘Trust Innocence’ ๐Ÿ™‚ That’ll make the Horse like a Bomb ๐Ÿ™‚ How People fall for all these Bit descriptions?????

90% of Horses prefer BARREL Centred Bits and 10% Lozenge. I am yet to meet a Horse that complains about mine, for I developed them across a hundred or so horses at the time, as I tweeked to their liking, taking the pressure off the tongue and the squeezing of the Bars.

I can understand Your request for WITH SLEEVES and yes, I do have those too.

Best of Luck


How are your Veggies going?

Today, Beetroot.



Tip of the Day


” Know the individual Personality of Your Horses! Each should be catered for ‘independently’ to keep ‘calmness’ in their lives. They all have different needs. Doing such, can and does fight off Ulcers in those prone to them”


Spike Protein

You all do know about these, don’t You? You know that they attack the Brain, Liver, Heart, Ovaries and Sperm?

My Friends……please keep the Mind Open and DETOX NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Millions are getting Old Timers!!!!!



Educating the Sheeples

Few will know that ‘Blackrock’ owns the World, but who owns Vanguard, the Worlds most secretive Company, owned by a Handful mega rich A Holes that have trained You for the last 50 Years. Made You all most subservient and roll up your sleeves ๐Ÿ™


FAKE NEWS CHANNEL 7 and the rest of them

From 2020 onwards, we have watched the nightly News, for entertainment ‘Googlebox’ and basically done the opposite to what ever they recommended. They are owned by Blackrock who own Big Pharma and have done the ‘dirty work’ against ‘we the People’, nightly.

During the last 12 Months, now that the ‘Game is up’ they have turned to the Psyop stories, to brainwash the viewer to confuse them and steer them away from any thought that they may have been majorly responsible and to protect their Investors. It has almost become the Health Show. Believe none of it Folks. RUN A MILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well guess what…..FAKE NEWS Channel 7 (who are absolute Liars each NIght) are owned by them and so just last Night, your story is from VANGUARD!!!! They know we are waking up to them and they are trying to con you all that all is normal. Blackrock owns Channel7, Bunnings, Woolworths, Coles and all the other Bustuds and Big Pharma owns them. Hence the Health through Food.



NEW DRUG TO STOP HEART ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So they cause the Heart attacks with their Covid Shot, play the Doctors Bribes to jab You and now they are going to sell you the drug to save you. We predicted this too.




Shop Independent Petrol Folks

The Lebo Wars have begun in Australia, now 20 Tobacco Shop Fires, the take over of the Bikie Gangs, the shootings across the Country and yep, good old Left Wing Albo brings in thousands of them. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr




29th September, 2024


Hi Folks,

Hope You had a wonderful Week. We are battling the tyrants on all fronts, as usual and the new tactic of all authority these Days is SHADOW BANNING. They simply won’t answer You, won’t talk to You. Councils, Government, You name it. If one want’s to ask any question that they could ruffle their Feathers, forget it. Victor Harbor Council is doing it, Dept of Planning, Dept of Environment, Water SA, SA Gas, Rebekka Sharkie, the local Liberal Member and more. They forget that they are there to serve us but not any more.



You know the State is in big trouble with this….don’t You? You know about these 3 things???

  1. The Commissioner of I.C.A.C. has resigned in disgust and a lack of support from this Government.
  2. The Leader of the Opposition has resigned under most suspicious circumstances and being set up to look bad by the Gov.
  3. and now a Government Ministerial Advisor, found with a Bank Account full of money that shouldn’t be there.

So what’s going on? Well I can only tell You (right from the inner circle) that it is all about a group of Business people who have got too powerful and are basically calling the shots in this State now. Think about it. Shop independent and buy PETROL independent!!!!!


Blast from the Past

The winning story of the Year for Chanel 7 State Affair back then. The Journalist went on from this to the Boss of Sky in the UK, the Water in his Boots was because he was unfortunately on a Horse that lies down in the Dam when it has a drink ๐Ÿ™‚ and ……….

watch out for Mrs. HP at 13 Years of Age. Blue top and Pony Tail. Riding Her first Horse which I had just broken in.

We escorted over 50,000 People on these Rides, 2, 3 and 4 Day rides.






Did You catch Her?????? ๐Ÿ™‚

linda-250x300 harmony-297x300
Linda at 13, with Her 1st Horse that I had just started and which she went onto Grade 1 Eventing on.





Administration of the Equine Industry


I am always remembering the appalling attrition of the Horse Industry and thinking how good it could have been if things were managed differently. I remember proudly selling 3,000 Horses to People who fell in love with their Horse during our ‘Holidays on Horseback’ operation in another Life time but reflect often in sadness, of how the majority leave the Industry.

The 2 main causes of such attrition are these:

  • Crooked Horse Selling Coaches
  • Hitler Dressage Judges (another story told to me Today about a Judge that I thought used to be great)

In both cases, the Equestrian Administrators have been ‘asleep at the wheel’ forever, for there could have been things done that would have made such a difference to the Sport and the finances of all those within it.

  • Run regular assessments of Dressage Judges and re-educate if required.
  • On an Annual basis, gain feedback from every Riding Pupil of every Coach and see what and how they are teaching.
  • Each Year, do a graph of every Coach, checking to see the progress or not, attrition and all scores.
  • Re-educate and Council the Coach.
  • Provide a Forum for aggrieved Clients of the Horse Industry, where they can report having been sold a ‘dodgy horse’ and how much they have lost.
  • Take a Conciliatory Hand in attempting to gain a better outcome than Court or leaving the Industry.
  • Making Rules that Coaches must NOT take financial advantage of Pupils!!!!!!!!
  • plus more

If only ey? I could give You hundreds of Cases of heart broken and Body broken People who have been ripped off by Equestrian Australia Dressage Coaches, many being ‘Serial Pests’ Grrrrrr



More from the SA Team that kicked A– in Qld

It gets even better. Apparently, they could pick their final Teams, based upon the best scores from all of their Riders. So we had a Team of 4, whilst Vic, NSW etc, could pick from 20 or more scores. So even better Girls!!!! Wow…..fantastic effort!! You did everyone Proud.

I saw one of the Mothers the other Day lol, she looked like she had been to Hell and back hahahaha. What a Trip!!!!!

Mrs. HP coached 3 of the 4 in our Team and well done to the other Lass.




Blast from the EA Past. Mrs. HP’s Level 2 Coaching Exam ๐Ÿ™‚

It was held in an indoor up Mylor way and the Rules say that they have to have 2 Level 3 Coaches, to examine the applicants’.

So they paid to bring a bloke that I have nick named ‘The Flaming Dick’ Dikstra, across. to be the second Level 3. Coach Educator.

First up, the SA Level 3 (who had an axe to grind with Mrs. HP) advised the ‘Dickster’ …that “she will take care of this one” and sent Him off to the other end of the Arena to spend time with some Ladies ๐Ÿ™‚

The Coach didn’t know it of course, but the Horse they dished up to Mrs. HP, was UNSOUND and Mrs. Hp had to point that out to the Coach and Owner and then try and teach around the unsoundness.

Both of Mrs. HP’s Pupils wrote in that they were very happy with the Lessons, however, the Level 3 (who couldn’t ride past a PC test) failed Mrs. HP. and lied on the Exam Papers, that the Pupils were not happy with their Lessons.

So that was the end for Mrs HP, with their system and never went back. The National EA offered a second chance, if we drove to Victoria, so Denise Rofe, who also failed, went and was given it but that was it for Mrs. HP. Stick it!!!!



The Chameleon Cappo Pupil of the Week

He is a classic. He adapts to the level of the Pupil and listens to every word that Mrs. HP shouts out to the Pupil, doing what she asks ๐Ÿ™‚








Victor Harbor of the Week




How not to ride the Starter



Tip of the Week

Did You know that your ‘Ground Manners’ system can contribute to Ulcers in the Horse? If You follow the British Horse Society system, via EA or PC, You are contributing to possible Ulcers, for one of the main causes is “Learned Helplessness’ and almost every Horse managed with the above systems, have varying levels of this, temperament dependent. “




Gainsborough Soap


Many have have long moved on so I can start to tell a few Yarns from over the 35 Years.ย  The first one I will do in stages, and tell it so that the new agistees may know a little of what we have been through over the Years.

A big tough Guy owned the Equestrian Centre next Door and he had terrorized the entire District, for many Years. The previous Owner of Gainsborough was Ann Simmons, who lived in the House and she had got to the stage back then, to be locking the Doors and ringing Her Husband to come home because trouble was brewing.

One Night, she was holding a Birthday Party for Her Daughter (5 or 6 years old) and just as they were singing ‘Happy Birthday to You’, the front Door was smashed in by Police Star Force, armed with Shotguns and Armilite Rifles…………The had GONE TO THE WRONG HOUSE!!!!!!!

The Neighbor had a Drug Crop in the Trees near his Home and because he had Cameras and sensors, he caught a local Young Bloke, in there in the Dark one Night, raiding this Drugs. The Young guy took off, outrun him, jumped in his Car and took off up around Seaview Road, where ‘The Neighbor’ caught up to Him, run Him off the Road and shot Him in the Face with a shotgun that he had removed the lead from and replaced with rock salt. Massive facial damage.

The case of attempted Murder never went ahead as the Neighbor terrorized all involved to the point where they wouldn.t give evidence.

Then we moved in ๐Ÿ™‚ He gave us 2 straight Years of Hell on Earth ๐Ÿ™‚

More next week.



Equine Science Research

I read this waste of Money 2 Year study and it is what makes me think about the latest Hay Nets. Obviously, they are studying them also for if they were normal Hay Nets, there would be no need to study “Teeth effects of Hay Nets’ for there is no such thing.




so here is my opinion for what it is worth and for the good of Horses always.



Hay Nets

Over the last few Years, People have invented Hay Nets, that I describe as Mental Cruelty to Horses, whereby they are so find that it is almost impossible for Horses to eat in any way that is natural to the Horse and indeed, mentally traumatizes them.

Of course, as Pat Parelli says “NORMAL is what everyone does what everyone is doing around them and NORMAL changes every 100k across the Planet, depending upon what People in those areas are doing,

So there has been a proliferation of these ridiculous things (that I throw in the Bin when I get my Hands on them) Think about it. How would You like to come to Dinner and I make You eat your Meal through chicken wire? Disgusting!!


Remdesivir (run for your life)





How is your diet Folks?



Stop buying their Crap Folks. Strike a blow for Society!!!!!



Catch You all next Week. Good Luck,





22nd September, 2024

Hi Folks. Hope You well and had a great Week.

We have had the normal Week from Hell with Mrs. HP’s Dad dying of Turbo Cancer in Holland and he has now deceased. Funeral next Wednesday.




Meanwhile, we are fighting the City of Tea Tree Gully in the Court and been busy doing Stat Decs and Counter arguments because of course they spend the Rate Payers money on high powered Lawyers, indeed, a ‘Special Counsel’. We got the other one, head of Norman Waterhouse, dismissed due to a ‘Conflict of Interest’ but of course, it is the Council with the ‘Conflict of Interest’ย  as they are all in Bed with the Developers, over the Rate Payers. Next Directions Hearing 6th Oct so we shall report back then.



Many of You know that my Wife is a wonderful Dressage Coach and it doesn’t get any better than this.

Congrats to some of the Local Victor Harbor Girls, poor Mum’s floating all the way to Queensland, (3000k) for the Australian Inter Schools Championships, competing no doubt against the squillionaires from Melbourne and Sydney, with the ‘Dressage Queens’ Mum’s handed down F.E.I. Horses but the local Girls did a wonderful job indeed. Text from one of the Mum’s…..


” Thank you Linda! We can’t thank you enough for your instruction. They have looked great together – riding to the markers and well timed transitions. Adelaide doesn’t actually know yet – she thinks she’s getting a ribbon for the 45CT so I’ll send you a pic later. Immie has done really well too – winning the 60CT. Great job super coach ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• “


6878263265276665160-225x300 ADELAIDE NOBLE – second in combined Training and won Preliminary Championship!!!!

Check the size of it. Knocked off all in Australia ๐Ÿ™‚

and this crew

IMOGEN CARMICHAEL – winner of combined training and & STELLA CARMICHAEL. 4th in that and


Imogen & Ella Carmichael



imfffffage-300x223 happiness is. C’mon Mum, keep shelling it out ๐Ÿ™‚


AND Stella Carmichael RESERVE CHAMPION in Novice.



ย Welcome to the Horse Industry Young Lady – first canter

and the wonderful Cappo is introducing 3 Young Ladies safely into the Horse Industry at the moment. Here is the first Canter for this Young Lass



Tip of the Week

Last Week (scroll down) I showed You the horrendous injury to a Horse that accidently put it’s foot near the wall of a Galvanized Horse Shelter. I often think about how corrupt Goย  oog lle stopped my education attempts over the past few Years, but this Week, lovely to already see benefits that will advise and hopefully help other Horses to not be similarly injured. This Pic was sent to me from a Race Horse Stud Staff Member, at Mount Barker.




Tip of the Week


” When building Horse Shelters, they should have several design attributes.

  • Have their back to the Wind….precisely…..(research the weather)
  • They should have ‘Kick Boards’ so they don’t put a hoof through the Galv if kicking at a Horse outside
  • and around the outside, 150 x 50mm preferably Creosote so the white ants don’t eat them, boards at Ground Level and slightly lower then the edge of the tin.


20240919_140036-225x300 You will also notice on mine, that even when I build in a viewing portal, these too must be protected for the Biting Horse having a crack and ripping the Head backwards.

You can also rasp the edges, with a rasp, too.

Thanks to the lovely Staffer who cares.


Tip-e1577412256400 The magnificent and best Product for Rural, has been banned by Gov. So check around at the Stock Agents and try and buy what ever may be left over. It lasts forever and is the only thing that Horses or white ants won’t eat. They both luuuurve Permapine.



and our answer……


Sorry for the delay, we have been consulting the Residents

It won’t be possible for any such facility to be within the vicinity of our Property because of the interference it now causes, to audio visual equipment used by my Wife, in the carrying out of Her Business as one of the State’s busiest Dressage Coaches. Further, I am also noticing interference with my new Hearing Aids.

Recently, a 5G Tower was erected alongside of the Southern Vales Dressage Club and immediately made all such equipment for Schools and Clinics, redundant due to the massive interference caused by it.

So we respectfully request that wherever You choose to put the Tower, that it is not close enough to effect Her Business or other Residents.. What that distance is we do not know however your Letter will now prompt us to actually measure that, when next we go to the Southern Vales for a Competition. My Wife rides at the Olympic Level and State Squad and State Champion.

Given that You don’t know the long term effects of this new technology, one would consider the prudence of not siting such near Residents homes. The location selected on your Plan, was right next to our Neighbors new Home.

There is another seriously implication with this technology, especially given the plethora of new Scientific Research coming out right now, together with the release of the Pfizer hidden Research Documents, showing that there is Graphene within the Covid injection and the manipulative properties now being seen, when it gets near a Mobile Phone Signal.

Common sense therefore surely must dictate, that this Tower, be kept well away from the Residents, especially these Residents, who pay the highest Rates in the District. Today at 2pm, we have a Land Agent coming here, to discuss possible Real Estate Value damage should a Tower visually impact upon this location, where visitors come daily, to soak up the magnificent views.

We respectfully request that Telstra take the above views seriously and select locations that are well away from Homes… in the Quarry or the middle of the100 acres at the end of Ferrier Drive.

So the answer is no and unfortunately, we do need to issue a Legal warning to You, regarding all of the above.

Without Prejudice

John and Linda O’Leary


The Criminal Government and MRNA


Who voted for these Clowns????


Tip-e1577412256400 Stop buying from Supermarkets!!!!!!!!!! Buy from the Farmer who has been threatened with Death to not use these Products, or get a group of Friends Together and buy your own Cattle.



Mrs. HP and I have not had Local anesthetic at the Dentists, for 2 Years. We don’t trust them. I wrote to them, they did not reply. Now good news again.


Ivermectin yet again





Life’s Stories

Sometime during another Life time, I organized the Worlds largest Quarter Horse Racing Carnival where the World speed record was actually broken by a magnificent filly called ‘Easy Watch’ 1982, First prize $36,000.

Pick out Graham Goodings and Keith Martin:)

It was a magnificent occasion, culminating with 3,000 People at a Country Music Night and Dance in the biggest Marquee we could hire ๐Ÿ™‚

You will see one Headline where we raced the Quarter Horse, a Motor Bike and a GREYHOUND.

Watch this Video and look carefully just behind the Horse, where the Greyhound can be faintly seen and then shows up. Watch the absolute hilarious event after the finish, where the Greyhound Trainers tried to catch it but it chased the Quarter Horse for 800 metres more as the jockey couldn’t stop it hahahahahaha



More Good News




There have been a number of cases of this, of later, around the World!!


and Nicotine!!!



Victor Harbor of the Week

Horseshoe Bay


Boof of the Week

He pinches Peoples Carrots out of their Horse Floats ๐Ÿ™‚




Did You realize that everything You said or wrote, has been harvested and stored by the F.B.I. and their Mates? Thanks God for Elon, who is fighting back yet again.
The only encrypted Mobile, hooked to Starlink, that they can’t spy on. I can’t wait!!!!

GW9Y0iLWEAAiU2R-300x300 Not only that, but he is now building a new search engine to rival the Evil Goo dle!!!!! and X-Mail that also won’t harvest all your emails and SHADOW BAN those they don’t like including me. (they just stopped me sending an email to Mrs. HP.) Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr



warning-red NEXT WEEK – you won’t believe it. The State of South Australia has been totally corrupted!!!!!!!!


GAINSBOROUGH SOAP – Sex behind the Stables, with someone else’s Husband.!!!!! OMG



15th September, 2024


Hi Folks, hope you had a lovely Week or these days, that is difficult indeed. ๐Ÿ™ย 

Mrs. HP Step Dad is dying of Turbo Cancer and all of Her Sisters have flown to Holland to be with Him at the end. He is going to end of Life now, which is what Holland has. Her real Dad died of Blood Clot 2 Years ago.

Been very busy, lot’s of work, never stops, getting ready for Summer with Fire in the back of the Mind. Got 2 Years of Firewood ready though ๐Ÿ™‚




The Dressage Tests have always said this:

  • GOOD – 8

Yesterday was the Southern Vales F.E.I. Comp and there was a good turnout. Mrs. HP took Stanly on his 6th outing in his Life and he completed in the Elementary 3.3 and the Medium 4.3.

Stanly was “Less than Satisfactory” to one of the Judges, giving Him 59.something percent. Meanwhile, in the other Ring, he was given close to 70%. The 59% Judge, was also 5% below Her fellow Judge, who is consistently tough anyway.

You be the Judge…….



For 30 Years, I have commented on the damage done to the Industry by Judges who have issues. The EA have never examined this most important Administrative issue but I can tell You for sure, those entering the Industry do not need broken Hearts or to be questioning themselves or their EA Coaches.

Of course none of this effects Mrs. HP as she knows better but she was asked by an A Level Judge who she teaches, recently, “Why are You not a Member of the EA?” We Pray that one Day the Organization gets it’s act together.



I am extremely proud of my Wife, for many things but this effort on RIDDEN VETERINARY REHABILITATION on this Horse, has been World Class.

The Horse was declared ‘unfit for Riding’ by the Morhpetville Equine Clinic, after a Broken Shoulder being untreated as a Youngster. Here is a Photo of Him on arrival and one this week.







There is only ONE SYSTEM of Dressage, that can achieve this!!!!


Muscle Development of the Dressage Horse



Most People are not of course, but if You don’t watch this, right to the end, You cannot make proper Life’s decisions. Of course I can’t put it on FB etc, for they are owned by these Suckers!!! Bunnings, Coles, Woolworths, everything. SHOP INDEPENDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You will note here, the Games they play to make it difficult to watch. Those who own the World in real time Folks. Click on the WATCH ON YOUTUBE!!!!


Tip of the Week

” If You own Stables or Paddock Shelters, make real sure You put a 150 x 50mm Board around the exterior and kick boards inside, for when a Horse steps near a Galv Wall, in the Winter, this is what happens.”





Many will not know that the Spike Protein travels throughout Your entire Body, brain, heart, lung, ovaries, testies.

So many People we see, go blank if you try to point them in the direction of protecting their Life. Yes, we understand but the open mind may save us all.

Go listen to one of the Worlds most read Doctors and do this.


O’Leary History

My Grandfather had a Heavy Horse Team and helped build the 800k of Drains, that empty the South East of South Australia.



anyhow, blow me down if I was contacted by a lovely Gentleman from Mount Compass, who had one of these Heavy Horse Scoops and I got it. Here it is at Bella Vista entrance. Now Folks will know what the Hell it is ๐Ÿ™‚





Almost every Day now. Today…..



Yes, the Corrupt CDC now have to admit that they paid Bribes to Chemists, to stop it being prescribed!!!!!!!!! Here, they got Bonuses as did Doctors.




I saw a Cast Iron Double Bed on Gumtree and so I had an idea to build a Bridge ๐Ÿ™‚




Boof of the Week



Catch You next Week Folks.ย 





7th September, 2024

Hi folks,

The World is indeed a sad place and the lastย  Years has taught us much. The open Mind could well save Your Life right now.

I and Millions of others, have been ‘shadow banned’ across Social Media and in G—-gle (the greatest Bank hold up in History) as they have set about to destroy small Business, across the Planet.

The most incredible revelation to us, has been the realization that such a large percentage of our Society, has been oblivious to what has been really going on as the carefully selected term “Conspiracy Theorist” was designed by the C.I.A., to quieten People like me. It turns out that we were right, almost 100% of the time we spoke and it is all flooding out now.

” Take this Blog very seriously, for what I am going to tell You in the next few Weeks, MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

God…..where do I start????……we are so fearful for our Friends – I am going to educate ‘for your horses’ but I am also going to share the latest Health Research from around the Planet, for You are STILL being lied to by your Doctors!!!!!



The greatest Drug on the Planet right now is fittingly, our wonderful Horse Wormer, Ivermectin (and others) all BANNED by the corrupt Heads of our Health system, the TGA and others.


Did You know that at least 23 People are dying in Adelaide each Week, from Pneumonia?? Of course You didn’t but you have heard of Friends with it, haven’t You?


ALL People who were forced to take the shot absolutely should, have a supply of Iver Horsetin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND take a course of it, THE MOMENT!!!!!! you feel anything coming on!!!!!!!!!! Here is ours……

20240816_174243-rotated The Nobel Prize for Medicine!!!!
The Chief W.H.O. Scientist for India has been arrested and facing the Death Penalty for trying to ban it. It saved hundreds of Millions of Indians when the Gov posted it out to all residents, in 2021.

Not only does it knock Flue/Cold/Covid but many other things, including the following research right now






I decided to put them to the test a couple of Weeks ago. Had a Phone Consult for my Blood Pressure Tablets. I told Him I had caught Scabbiest and need the Horse Wormer :)………OMG!!!!!……he cross examined me but in the end, gave in……BUT…..he rang back 10 Minutes later (having no doubt rang his Corrupt Bosses) and told me that the new advice was that the Horse Wormer was now second choice and there was a better one. He prescribed that.

I went to the Chemist the following Day, to get my Blood tabs and the Chemist came with the other packet of drugs for Scabies. (I didn’t have Scabies of course ๐Ÿ™‚

I told Him to throw the prescription in the Bin. That I was just checking to see if the Health system is still corrupt and Yes, I was right, it sure is ๐Ÿ™‚


Just email this Gentleman. The whole Family has it now and it sails through via India Post and Oz Post ๐Ÿ™‚


Telegram Link =ย

Now, while You are at it, buy this

doxycycline 100 mg = 36 USD 2 box 200 capsule

Ivermectin 12mg = 28 usd 2 box 200 tablet

More about that next Week. Just do it!!!!



“There are 2 systems of Dressage. One is the ‘HELD’ and the other is ‘INSIDE LEG TO OUTSIDE REIN’ – One builds Dressage ‘Muscular support systems’ and the other deteriorates them.”

Here are 2 Prix St. George Horses.



and the best Muscle system I have ever seen

Muscle Development of the Dressage Horse






Dolce-19 cappo-22-1









  1. Thank you for this great information on drugs and horses. Being a a Nurse with a horse. It is great to see what you are writing. I was mandated to have the jab , I took time off for 3 months before I made the choice. My brother is a Natropath so he supported me through it.

    1. HI Lea, these are terrible times ๐Ÿ™ I intend to keep on this for there are so many People that have been taken advantage of. It is very difficult to speak out. Those in the minority, who did and tried to warn, have paid the price financially and emotionally. They turned on us, across the Internet, the search engine and destroyed my Business. Thanks God Elon is starting an opposition one to the Criminals. Just remember, You have to act fast and first, to support yourself. Regards xx

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