Dressage Horse Rehab

An Article just about the Veterinary and Muscular Rehab of Race Horse – PRIOR TO RIDING!!! This is a massive subject and difficult not to get wrapped up in the many varying issues that these Horses can have, however, this article is about the PREPARATION of the ex Race Horse, for Equestrian Competition. I have particularly in mind, the many 40 something Owners (most who do not have many more ‘go rounds’ in them). This Article is aimed at the following: Too often, new Owners who know no better, just jump on and go about trying to make these completely […]

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We have all seen the horse that won’t walk whilst out on the trail ride or pleasure riding as we call it. Highly frustrating and usually ends up with the horse doing Piaffe and the rider being Pi-offed. Here’s why it happens and here’s how to fix it. THE CAUSE The material following hereafter relates to the horse at the walk, not at the trot or canter. A rider may ride on the bit or off at those two gaits. It does not matter. What does matter is how the rider rides the horse at the WALK. To be relaxed, […]

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Riding the horse that shy’s

“A bold rider makes a bold horse and a nervous rider makes a nervous horse” Horses with Ulcers shy way more than if they haven’t got such Without doubt,  more riders fall off horses due to the horse shying than from horses bucking. Shying is a description for the horse unexpectedly, suddenly and violently jumping one way or the other and is caused by the horse exhibiting fear of something that it has seen come into it’s surroundings. This fear of whatever, and the resultant leap to escape is caused by the natural inbred flight response, which forms part of […]

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PACING AND AMBLING WHY DO THEY? See the Video here The wonderful Standie! They are Bred to do it. They are hobbled to do it They are built to do it They are muscle developed to do it They are tense to do it They are often belted if they do it. PRIORITY CHECK LIST The new career after racing There are many things that you must work through and to eliminate in order to successfully re-train the Pacer. Re-build the muscle groupings by relaxing the longitudinal muscles and strengthening the under muscles. Relax the lateral muscles re-correct the neck […]

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I rank the rearing horse as the most dangerous of the vices that can face a rider during their career. Give me the buck jumper, shyer, bolter any day as I believe the danger of serious injury is far more acute with the rearer. Riders’ are the predominant cause of rearing in horses under saddle. Horses rear as an evasion and they evade because of either a lack of riding with justice or that the Owner hasn’t “Listened” to them. You see, Horses are communicating to us the whole time and when we don’t listen, the top of the range, […]

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