12 Foot Horse training Lead Ropes





note Tying up Ropes come with BULL CLIP

NH Ropes come with BRASS CLIP


Protect their lives by proper tie up training


What You manufacture on the Ground, you inherit under Saddle ……..HP


Basically EVERY ‘Problem Horse’ I have met, have arrived with Halters and Lead ropes like many of these. The Pony Club ‘Fair Floss’ Lead Ropes, half the length they should be….which is why there is so much fighting.




Yes, Crap Lead Ropes and Halters. (go read the webbing halter)


Across my Career, of Thousands of Horses and around 100,000 People, as with every other Professional Trainer on the Planet, Ground Manners dictates success or failure.

So, over 85% of all so called ‘Problem Horses that I have met, have been caused only by Ground Manners confusion and fighting. (hence my pre-occupation of this within my PROBLEMS INDEX

I do beg You, leave the ‘Dark Ages’ behind and get with the new World.





New Zealand Folks please go here – https://www.hpsaddlerynz.co.nz/

Additional information

Lead Rope clips

Natural Horsemanship Clip, Tying Up Clip

Lead Rope Use

Natural Horsemanship, Tying up

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