It has always been bizarre, how throughout our Life, we have attracted a procession of ‘Mongrels’, who have made our Life Hell. How we have survived it with our sanity is beyond me!!!
John O’Leary
I have basically had 4 different Life’s periods.
I met my first Mongrel when I was 1 Day Old. She was a Nurse in the Naracoorte Hospital and she set my Cot on Fire with a Cigarette, almost burning me to Death and causing a number of large scars beneath my Hair now, that are starting to show as I Bald.
As a result of the shock, I became one of the worst Bronchial Asthmatics in the Country and would be delirious 7 Days out of every 14, through until I was 16 years of Age, with Rubber Bedroom and allergic to Horses, Cows, House Dust and Rye Grass. Poor Mum, she would sit beside my Bed, intently listening to see if I was still alive 🙁
When I was 16, I was the size of a Jockey, hadn’t grown but the we moved from the South East, Penola where I went to Mother Mary McKillop Convent, to the Fleurieu Peninsula where I became a fanatical Surfer, spending up to 12 hours in the Water at least 2 Days a Week and within 12 Months, totally beat the asthma and then grew/ More about the first section of my Life later……….
Still at Normanville but back when I was 22, I always had a yearning to own a place called Tungalilla Beach Homestead. God’s own Country, a private Beach with half a kilometre of flat Country, running 3k along a totally private Beach and 480 acres on 6 Titles.
I couldn’t afford it of course and it had always been in the Family of the Bonyathons., it wasn’t even for Sale, but I used to Party with Young Richard Bonyothon back then, who had just inherited the Beach. It had been in the Family name forever. I asked Him if he would sell it and to my surprise, he said Yes. I couldn’t afford it of course, so I had to think fast, real fast!!
Dad had a Mate, Colin Freeman of Freeman’s Chemists in Hindley Street, My Fair Lady Theatre and St. Francis Winery. I went to see Colin and talked Him into buying it. He was supposed to cut me in for a share, but didn’t, but he did make my Dad, the Manager of the place.
As an aside, the old Homestead has a Ghost…named “Sexy Rexy” and often frightened visitors to the Home, all Friends of Colin and People in high places ( Barristers and others) in Adelaide, partying in private if you get my drift? One Night, he threw Plates clear across the Kitchen and smashed them into the opposite Wall, causing shrieks from some of the assembled guests.
It is located in Rugged Country where You can’t fight Bush Fires. It was private with no access to the Public. We spent many an evening, fishing for Mulloway off the Beach. I remember one Night, we were sitting on the Beach, just on Dusk and a Brown Snake slid right across my Dad’s Legs as he sat motionless, waiting for it to clear Him I was outa there fast though, before it reached me!
anyhow, one Day, when we were at Comic Court, he rang us, to say that there were two Blokes on the Beach, ( in the middle of Summer) cooking Bacon and Eggs, near the Grass and that they had walked in ( 3k) from the Balquidder end. He had asked them to put the Fire out but they had refused, so he had driven back to the Homestead and phoned us, to come down and assist.
Several of us jumped in the 1 Tonne V8 Ute and powered the 20k down there, meeting Dad at the Homestead. He jumped in and as we were driving across the Paddocks, a couple of K down the Beach, he demanded of us all, the following…….”NO BLOODY FISTICUFFS, alright???????”!!!!!!!!!!!…….”Yes Dad, no worries. ”
We drove to nearby and walked up to the two Guys, (one standing and one kneeling over the Fire)…….Dad says and I quote as I’ll never forget the sequence, “Are You going to put the bloody Fire out? ” to which the one kneeling down replied, “No” and to our shock and Dad replied, with a short sharp right cross to behind the ear hole of the Fellow Weeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllll…….the Bloke exploded, leapt up and grabbed Dad in a Bear Hug with his Feet off the Ground for the Bloke was about 6 foot 6 inches high The other Bloke had scampered, bounding across the Paddock with two of our Young Apprentices in pursuit.
I had to choke Him off from behind. They decided then to leave the Beach and to hike back to their Cars. ” What about the no fisticuffs Dad??” ……but he didn’t answer that one This wasn’t to be the end of it though!!
The following Morning, we got a Phone call from Detective Sergeant Wayne Yelland at the Victor Harbor Police, asking us to drive over for formal interviews for Assault, because the Premier ( Don Dunstan) had personally demanded it.
You see, the two Trespassers, were Mates of his ( both Gay) and of course at that time, he was presiding over the formation of the ‘Family Murders’
So over we traipsed and after a little schooling by the Sarge, were interviewed one by one and the matter buried, but that wasn’t the end of it of course………
At the time and much to my surprise as Dad hadn’t mentioned it, a very sharp and smooth Operator named Steve Wright, had weaseled his way into gaining Dad’s trust and indeed allowing Him to go fishing on the Beach from time to time, even fishing with Him. The Gates were always locked, back 5k from the Property as it is surrounded by Balquidder Station and was completely private. You can’t fight fires down there!
Steve Wright had been Don Dunstan s Chief of Staff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, seen here on the left ( Mr. Muscle) at the McNallys Health Studio….
The Premier
at Victor Harbor to make a statement. 🙁
*****remember this for later as Mr. Wright has a habit of striking up associations with the O’Learys’
So now we knew how come the two Trespassers were on the Beach but we didn’t dream of what Dunstan would do next!!!!!
He “Compulsory Acquired’ the Land, for the State Government and because it was 6 allotments of 80 acres, there suddenly appeared 5 other Homes and 6 different Owners. One Day, when I retire, I will investigate these little deals
anyhow, so that was it, we have never been back to Tunk again, which I find a terrible shame
Here we are with the last ride down there.
Dunstan later died of Aids ( although never admitted) and the truth of what had been going on during his Government, was revealed through the shocking Sex Crimes that are still being related on TV Today.
Mr. Wright, also ended up in Victor Harbor, owning the Beyond Development, which he aquired after Dunstan finished his reign.
More about Mr Wright later, the biggest Mongrel of them all and the one who inflicted the most damage on my Life 🙁

A Car drove into Comic Court Lodge one Day, we were all in the Single Men’s Quarters having a Cupper and saw it drive past the Window. 3 Dudes got out and introduced themselves as Committee Persons of the South Australian Sprint Racing Association. We ushered them in and made them a Cuppa.
They were……Peter Schultz ( President), Committee Persons Peter Gower and John Hodgins. Anyhow, they related a long story of some Hours, about the fate of the South Australian Sprint Racing Association ( pretty much like SA Equestrian right now) and that a bloke called Noel Fennel, from Willomurra Quarter Horse Stud, was controlling the Industry and running things very much his way. They alleged that he was even beating everyone to the Timing Mechanism and that his bred Horses were doing handily and others were not. Prize money was appalling, something like $300-700 a Race. Put simply, they were there to ask if we would host their Races on our Thoroughbred Training Track, even though it was Grass and that Quarter Horses don’t run on Grass, AS IT IS TOO SLOW!!!!
At the end of the conversation, my damm Irish upbringing took hold of me by default, I always take the side of the ‘Únder Dog” We agreed to help them, something that would end up costing us $386,000, every cent we had in the World….less $8,000. ( read next Week) Anyhow, we only have oneway, the professional way and that is what we did They had a chance of a Life time. All they had to do was stay solid.
Anyhow, Quarter Horses run on mainly straight Tracks, especially up to 365 Metres so we had a fair bit of expensive Earth works, irrigation, running rails, a Photo Finish Tower, Cameras, Mounting enclosure, Stewards and Jockey Rooms and God knows what else. ( Bart Cummings would be proud of us as this is the property where he started and the first Melbourne Cup Winner was bred, breaking Pharlaps record)
Keith Martin and Graham Goodings seen in shot, Channel 7 and 10
Well, I can’t stand ‘Mickey Mouse’ anything ( which is what the Horse Industry is famous for, so we set about to make it big time and did. So much so that the Minister of Racing approved Bookmakers for the Sport and the Inter-State Trainers were all moving here. ( Thanks to the brilliant Allison Self for Her help.)
We ran the Krondorf Wine Stakes – $36,000, to start things off and then the West End Gold Cup $7,000 plus Cup
The Weekend was the first official Racing CARNIVAL of big time proportions, 3 Ministers of the Crown, 4 Helicopters and so on. The Thoroughbreds, copied soon after, starting at Morphetville and spreading to Victoria after. Hell, it even boasted MOUSE RACING and dozens of Kids were driven from Adelaide with their Mice, by their poor Mum’s. We had forgotten about us promoting it with my Brother calling a Race on the Channel Niners on TV the Week b4, but Kids just kept coming up to Him and tugging Him on the Pants, “where is the Mouse Racing Sir?”……..Years later, they all think they invented it……Pig’s Ass
We were constantly warned of much consternation by Willomurra, who were shocked to the point of despair but the ‘straw that broke the Camels back’ was yet to come. Fennell told the World, via his mates in the A.Q.H.A. and the Magazine, that no Horse could ever turn fast times on Grass. Not possible, World wide!!!!….and then this. Easy Watch breaks the World Record, electronically timed and with the South Australian Jockey Club Photo Finish People, J Atkins) operating the system.
Well, that did it…..Fennel secretly went behind the Committees back and to the Racing Minister, strongly arguing that Bookmakers should never be allowed for the Quarter Horses ( something they had been trying to get forever) and of course you know the Government, they dropped it. He killed it. He argued that the Quarter Horses needed to be on the Thoroughbred Tracks…but forgot they were Grass too.
( The Thoroughbreds couldn’t wait for them to come to their tracks….so they could destroy them)
Now Easy Watch had broken the Australian Record and we had build an expensive, correct Track, paying Simons and Simons, Surveyors, to get it dead right. Further, the Winning Post and Photo finish Tower, was supervised and operated by the Jockey Clubs own Timing and Photographic Person. ( Atkins) ( it cost squillions)…you see it in the background
Fennell had been fighting tooth and Nail, to stop the record for Easy Watch ( even though she was by his Stallion) and secretly lobbying the A.Q.H.A. to reject it. He must have been having trouble though for then the fateful Night happened……..
Noel Fennell and a bloke called Tim Harvey, drove 150k and snuck into Comic Court Lodge, in the Dark, at about 4am, armed with a Highways Department Tape Measure, and announced to the A.Q.H.A, that the record could not stand because the Track was 2 metres short. (We were unaware of their presence, lucky for them.)
Of course, the A.Q.H.A. ( his Mates) accepted his word, DID NOT CONTACT US, did not know about the Surveyors Simmons and Clarke that we had used and rejected the Record against the name of the Horse.
WEEEEEEEEEEELLLLL, as it does, all Hell broke loose, with the fighting between the 2 Camps and then the President ( Peter Schultz) Jumped Ships, back to the side of Fennell and that was the end of the Game. Nice Guy that one. Mr. Quiet Guy. You always have to watch them!!!!
We never got a Thank You from anyone and had to dismantle the lot and suffered the huge financial losses. They left us out to dry Folks.
During the time leading up to all of this, Fennell had a ‘Stable Manager’ Mary Matner) living in attached building to the Marital Home, where he and his Wife lived. The Stable Manager and Keeper of the Stud Book was his ‘right arm Woman’…..and much more…….A bloke called ——— was on the Phone with Him one Night and could hear all this noise. He asked what was going on and Noel gleefully explained that ” I’m in the Bath and M— had Her big Tits in his face”
Some Years later, he awoke one Day and there was no M—–. She had ‘done the bunk’ with a Cowboy she had met and had set up Camp 50k away, on a Property out Wistow way, where substantial numbers of well Bred Willomurra Quarter Horses were happily roaming the Paddocks. She had been the ‘Registrar’ You see, at the same time as being in charge of the Soap. Dozens of Horses had been shifted.
It had been planned for yonks. Fennel never noticed a thing…except those big you know what’s
When he found out about it, he walked outside the House with a High Powered Rifle and shot every Quarter Horse within range. Indeed, including prized Stallions, one of which was not owned by Him at all as it turns out, but a Judge of the Court.
As I said, the lot of them all disappeared into thin Air. Not a thank you or a goodbye. Such is the Horse Industry. Imagine the Committee not grasping this wonderful opportunity. Trainers from all around Australia were planning to shift to South Australia and Bookmakers had been given the Green Light by the Minister.
We lost $386,000 (1982) Thanks for the fav Folks 🙂
Next Week…..totally broke and armed with our last $8,000, from the Sale of the Photo Finish Tower to a Thoroughbred Race Club, we are off to the Birdsville Races, in an attempt to come back from Rock Bottom ….

We were broke and only had one asset that we could sell, the Photo Finish Tower,
which we advertised and was purchased by a Norther Race Club somewhere. We got $8,000 Cash and were wondering what in the Hell do we do now. It was all my fault, putting my trust in the Sprint Racing Mob. I forgot the one thing that holds true still Today, that Committees just fight and rarely agree. Look at Equestrian Australia right now.
Anyhow, all upwards and on wards…..or……”up the Guts with Smoke” as I had learnt during another Career, that of a Sniper……..
We decided that we would have a crack at the Birdsville Races, with a little black Horse called ‘Nudga’ ( aboriginal for Óld Fulla’ or to You Internationals……..Male Sex Organ )
…….he was owned by Clark the Jeweler and was a real little Psycho but had a tonne of ability, good enough to win in the City. So we thought we would take Him there and put the whole $8,000 on Him…straight out. Hell, not much riding on it ey?? , but how were we going to get a price for they are as ‘savvy as Hell’ up in those parts, met and seen all the ‘smarties’ come and go over the Years, with $100 Bills burning holes in their pockets, why could we be any different??
Well we conjured up a Plan that we would buy 4 other failed race horses for Doggers prices $300 each and take 5 Horses, all on the back of an Old Commer Truck, with just a Rope between them and standing side on.!!! …….that wasn’t all though……..we had to somehow fit a Wheel Chair for with us, was a Bloke called Harold Nichols, a Racing Industry notable, comedian and Race Caller, made paraplegic in a Jumping accident many Years ago, so we legged Harold up into the Cabin and hooked his Wheel Chair on the side of the Truck with Ropes……away we go, up the Birdsville Track, in the Days when it was nothing but Pot Holes the size of Mini Minors, dirt, dust and Dingo’s.
It took us 36 hours to drive it, drink stops for the Horses but we couldn’t take them off the Truck as it didn’t have a Ramp…..they traveled like Babies. Those X Race Horses couldn’t believe their eyes hahahahaha. No more climbing the walls of Floats lol
Anyhow, we eventually all arrived in one piece……oh, except Harolds Wheel Chair as all the Wheels had fallen off it on the Track and the poor Bugger wasn’t going to be at all mobile in the dirt of Birdsville.
First challenge, what the Hell do we do about this???? but some bright spark came up with the idea of going to the Birdsville Dump, where we found an old Hospital Bed which we adapted the Wheels for his Chair and with some extra effort, he could now move through the dirt and grit from point A to B.
We got there a Week before the Cup and set up Camp on the Banks of the
Diamantina River, roping up yards with Trees and settled into Bush Camping, cooking and sleeping. The Horses didn’t care, they had seen everything by now
Track work was about 3k away, at the Track but even a Week before, there still plenty of interested onlookers, all trying to work out what the ‘Smarties’ from the ‘Big Smoke’ were up and that interest heightened a lot, when we worked a big grey Horse ( who couldn’t run out of sight on a dark Night) but looked like Gunsynd, the wrong way around the Track.
Weeeeeeeellllllllll, word got out real quick and the next Morning there were about 200 Aboriginals watching from various vantage points and some with Bino’s :)…..Hell he was impressive, Neck arched in Deep and round and snorting like a Crocodile The other Horses all worked well, wrong way and right way around the Track, just to add to the confusion. It was the talk of the Town Folks
Well, along came the Friday, the first Day of the Carnival but Nudger wasn’t racing that Day, so we left Him back at the Camp with another Horse and only took 3. Just let him relaax……One of them actually ran 3rd in a 1,000 metre race, which shocked us but added to the ambiance, but when we got back to Camp, we almost died!!!!!!!!! for the little Crack Pot and “Nudga the Bludga”as we used to call Him, had been running his Yard all afternoon and was completely and utterly dehydrated to the point of not being able to even compete in a Picnic Race, let alone up against good Horses at Birdsville.
My poor Brother was beside Himself and kept saying “we are buggered, we’ll have to scratch Him, but as the Night went on, around the Camp Fire and with a Carton to drown our sorrows, I came up with an idea………
Í said, “Why don’t we go down to the Birdsville Hospital, speak with the Nurses and see if we can get a Hartmans Drip and all the rest, to be able to drip Him??????”…..they looked at me with some disbelief but after a couple more Beers, I talked them into it and off we went. Midnight as well
We got to the Hospital and thank God it was Birdsville for the Nurses were most concerned ( all going to the Races Tomorrow) and went and dug out a Doctor and together, they calculated the time we should start dripping Him and how long it should take to complete, in order to get the best possible result. They packed us up with all the equipment, the tubes, Massive Needle and the like and Home we went. Imagine the sleep??????………You won’t believe what happens next…
We were up bright and early and cooking Bacon and Eggs, boiled the Billy and had set Nudga up at the base of an appropriate Tree, tied up Solid ( thank God an O’Leary Horse) and had the Drip Hung up above Him, happily eating a hard feed. So happy Horse and happy Punters ……..’Nudga’was through the Trees a little, about the second Yard in but you could plainly see Him from the Camp Fire…..
and then a Car drove in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…….THE CHIEF BLOODY STEWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. ”
Hi Gentlemen, just came around to sell You some raffle tickets for the District Hospital” he said ……not a problem Sir says my Brother ( the registered Trainer)……like a Cuppa??????…….”don’t mind if I do” says the Chief Stipe as he sat on a Log that sadly had Him facing in the direction of Nudga!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, we bought plenty of Raffle Tickets, swapped Yarns and we swear he could see the Horse with the Drip hanging out of his Neck but never said a word, indeed, relating a story of his own, that of a Jockey using a Battery in Race 3 and if we watch closely, we will see him drop it after the winning post and a bloke casually walk onto the Track and pick it up ……and then he left………..we could only hope and pray
but Nudja was in the next Race…..incidentally, we backed the Horse with the Battery on board and yes, the Chief Steward was right, a Bloke did wander out onto the Track, about 150 Metres after the finish line and casually bent down to pick something up lol
Now, the previous Night, we had also discussed the tactics “for the plunge”……only I and another Bloke who had gone with us “Perce the Punter’ aka Tommy Wheeler, would be allowed to handle the Money and approach the Bookies. We all agreed and Young Harold Nickols was threatened with Death if he opened his Mouth. and so off we went, because ‘Nudga’ was starting to de-hydrate again, the little psycho!!!!!!
Now You may think that it is easy to win one in the Bush, not so, there are some big players up there. We found out that there was a Horse in our Race, that was owned by Multi Millionaires, and it had won in Melbourne…..wonderful. The Owner’s owned Pandi Pandi Station and had many great Stakes winning Horses in Melbourne, Pandy Star and Pandy Son to mention two of them, but I forgot to mention our Jockey…..who we took and who was threatened with Death and to be buried in a ‘Shallow Grave’ back down the Birdsville Track if he stepped out of line. His name was Greg Nichols, fantastic Rider and Apprentice to my Brother, Dennis. Young and a typical Jockey, you had to watch Him like a Hawk, dodgy little Bustud ( like most of them) hence the threats. ( seems the trip of the Nichols.) Two threats and two Nichols 🙂 Would they both arrive Home???
So Tommy Wheeler and I, each armed with $4,000, (the last money in the World for us) entered the Betting ring, at the last minute, there were so many watching us. The price had not drifted as we wanted as the Bookies are no Mugs either. 45/10 only. Just as I went for the first Bookmaker, “Bugger me Dead” there was Harold Nicolls, in his damn Wheel Chair, placing a private Bet on Nudga and driving the odds down, not only that but alerting the Bookies as to what the intentions of the Camp was. The Bustud!!!!!!!!!!! we should have left his Wheel Chair Wheels at the Dump I thought….or…..we bury Him, with his Wheel Chair, in a ‘Shallow Grave’ on the way Home!!!!
Wheeler and I rushed in, put the lot on and averaged 32/10, we shall deal with Nicholls later and so to the Grand Stand
We were not nervous at all…….much………but finally they jumped. Guess what….. ‘Nudger the Bludger’, the little Psycho, ”missed the kick” by 10 Lengths, we almost died a thousand deaths.
He had caught them by the turn, such was his blistering speed ( just his brain) and yes, sure enough, out in front was Pandi something, but Nudja caught it too, at the 100 metres, to which ensued the most desperate whip riding exhibition you have ever seen, not legal by any sense now, nose by nose, head by head and LEANING on each other, shoulder to shoulder, the whole last 100……on the Photo……..the Bludger put his nose in front of the other Horse, with the ‘Bob of the Head’ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…..”thank You Lord” surely must have gone through my Mind, as we ran to the Mounting enclosure fence and even in the psycho moment of our own, I will never forget the sound of Punters leaning over the Fence, yelling at the top of their voices…”SMARTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” REPEATEDLY………..I couldn’t believe it, we must have caught some off guard…….but it wasn’t over yet………
Whilst unsaddling the Horse, the Jockey suddenly whispered to my Brother……”I forgot to put the Lead weights in the weight bag”?????????………God knows what my Brother thought or said but I told You before, what a dodgey little bustud Young Greg was, as he waltzed in through the front door of the weigh in room, where the Old Fulla ( Volunteer) was on the Scales. He jumped on and off so fast, yelling Correct Weight’ that the Official didn’t pick the fact that he had left the weights out of the Bag and the Race and was 4kg too light but was called “Correct Weight”….Bookmakers free to pay out………… where upon Wheeler and I lined up to collected $8,000 x 32/10…………. BUT THEN THERE WAS A PROTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!….…
You can imagine the amount of stress that can take place in a fleeting 5 minutes????……we waited and waited and then came the announcement…….”Protest dismissed” OMG!!!!!!!
Celebrations??????……you better believe it :)That Night we went to the Birdsville Pub, knee deep in beer Cans, then to Fred Brophies Boxing Tent and finished the Night at the Birdsville Ball, dancing every Black Mamma in Birdsville, off their Feet to the late Hours
We didn’t bury any of them on the way Home, especially Young Greg, for his desperate whip riding on the Day, saved us!! Harold survived as well but in his greed, would have cost us a few thousand.
In 2018, I ran into Harold Nichols in Victor Harbor, at a Saddlers Home. He was still a character and still telling me how it’s done. He gave me a good old lecture on Horses and Saddlery and that the local Saddler was taught by Him. I didn’t mention Birdsville and watched Him wheel his Chair down the Main Street, thinking to myself what an amazing journey life is to those who take it on and how successful, the 2 Nichols Boys could have been in Life, with Brains like they had.
A Week Later, in an Outback News Paper in Queensland, there was a Head Line and it read……
…..I had to chuckle to myself…….. what happened to Nudga?….well he went straight back to his Owner, Clark the Jeweller. What happened to Gunsynd??????, well he went Hunting and made a Middle Aged Bloke very happy indeed. We never told Him the story either. The others went to Eventing Homes and so had their lives saved from the Doggers. The Nurses at the Birdsville Hospital????…..chocolates and a yarn over a Cuppa, the Doc missed out
and so Life went on, we saved the Family Homes but lost the Beachside Caravan Park, dreamt up the next Goal to kick and away we went again. “Never throw in the Towel” Folks……..
There You go. Never lay down, don’t ever let em get you down, out of the worst things in Life comes the best……and now, from Bankrupt to the top 5% 🙂
“The Mongrels I have met”

In 2008, Mrs. HP had a bad accident off a Horse. A compound fracture of the Leg and serious debate among the Surgeons, as to whether they cut Her Leg off or not. Had she been a Smoker, they would have.
They had to cut half of Her Arm off, to save Her Leg.
At the time, she was on the South Australian State Dressage Squad. She was in Hospital for 3 Months but within the first Week, right at the time of the discussion to cut Her Leg off, she received a visit from a Mz. Liz Duncan from the South Australian Dressage Squad of EA, who had brought the wonderful News that she had just been voted off the State Squad, due to Her accident, by the Dressage Committee.
Roll on 2019 and Equestrian South Australia has self destructed. They would be scratching their Heads as to why but You don’t have to look far Folks… You????????
…………there is a Silver Lining…………due to Her ‘True Grit’ she came back and has ‘brained’ the State Squad over the past few Years, not on it though as they brought in a quaint new rule that you had to apply,
including winning the State Championships overall, at Grand Prix, with the highest ever Olympic Level score in the State, in 2015 and having Horse of the Year.
I wonder what they think????Most won’t know this story. We never told it.

One Day, at Golden Grove, we were riding 3 suspect Horses, down the Middle of Para Valley Road (which was dirt at that time) and very little Traffic as it only went up to the local Motor Cycle Track.
A Holden Torana with a Single Male Driver appeared behind us, traveling at about 60k and with no sign of slowing, as we struggled to get our Horses off the Road (which was most difficult due to steep Banks on each side and that 2 were suspect ‘Breakers’ and one banned from Racing.
One had just been banned from Racing in SA due to being a Barrier Rogue among other things and was suspect. I was on Him. The Chestnut with the big white Blaze.
The Second was a ‘Green Breaker’ with a tendency to Buck and had Bucked a couple of times that Week ( ridden by one of my apprentices)
and the third was also a ‘Green Breaker’, a Warmblood who had Bolted with Michael Higginbottom prior to coming to our Property. So suspect Horses all around and with not a lot of control among us.
As I said, the Car didn’t slow and in fact as it neared us, he gunned it and went for the Apprentices’ Horse, almost striking it. I saw His Face and his intent was true. Probably on Drugs as well. Sensing Danger, I leapt off my Horse and picked up a Blue stone Gibber the size of a Cricket Ball.
He traveled a short way up the Road and suddenly did a burnout spin, gunning it again and charging straight towards us this time. He got to about 10 Metres away and I let Him have it with the Rock, which Hit the middle of the Bonnet, struck the Windscreen and rattled along the Roof. Weeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllll, all Hell broke loose
He skidded to a Halt and came charging out the Door, with a 4-foot-long Iron Bar, screaming as He ran. You can just imagine the panic, the shying Horses, the dust and the action. Luckily, there was no Fence on the left as they were developing the Paddock at the time and I remember us three, galloping across the Hill with the assailant hot on our heels and indeed, too close for comfort. Hell he could run.!!!
The Apprentice was wearing a brand-new RM Williams Hat and that went flying off his Head, such was the Wind from the Speed we were traveling at It remained with the assailant.
Anyhow, we managed to outrun Him,…..just. such was his speed and the fact that our Horses didn’t know how to gallop with a Rider on them, lucky to stay on our Horses and not see any Buck Jump Shows, we stopped for a breather. He was down on his Hands and Knees, smashing the Ground and yelling “Dead F———s, Dead F———–s and then he sprinted back to his Car like a Lemann’s Driver and screamed off back down Para Valley Road.
The Vehicle was hotted up and had loud exhaust. We could hear it. Right on Golden Grove Road, over the Hill a K and we thought He had left……silence as he went down through the Valley behind us but then all of a sudden, like something out of a Bullet the Movie, he hurtled over the Kerb of the Street behind us, onto the Grass and charged at us to run us over.
At this point, we had Grass Paddock but with at least an 8 Degree slope, which we found ourselves once more, galloping down with Him in hot pursuit, off the edge of a Housing Construction cut out with a 2 Metre drop off, to save our lives, all still on the Horses and still no Buck. Thanks, God, for that was our greatest fear. Safe again.
Out he gets again, “Dead F————-s…….Dead F————s”, back into the Car and we hear Him screaming back through the Streets, out onto Golden Grove Road, Para Valley Road again and over the Kerb, this time uphill, attempting to get to us on the Building Sites. He failed. Too rugged but we were already leaping up other sites on the high side. The Suburb of Greenwith.
“Dead F——-s………and off again, down Para Valley, right onto Golden Grove and You know the rest. This had gone on for 40 Minutes. We had rung the Police but they couldn’t find us.
We debated what to do, Hat still back where it fell and never recovered but we came up with a Plan to wait for Him to be over in the Suburb behind us and we would shoot across the Road, out and attempt to get an Old Rusty Gate open, into an adjoining Mining Company 100 acres.
You can imagine the Adrenalin!!!!!!!!!!!! You can also imagine the relief when the Gate Opened and we could hear Him roaring back along Golden Grove Road again, towards our direction.
Through the Gate, mounted up and we all raced off together, like 3 Thoroughbreds doing Track work. Hell those Horses grew up that Day. They were so possessed with watching the Dude, that they forgot all about their own issues and all proudly looked after us to keep us safe.
We dropped over their Neck ( forgetting their profiles) and chatted 1000 metres up the long Hill. “What about Your new Akubra Nathan?????” ……..”F—-the Akubra” and out of sight we went.
I wonder where he thought we had gone. Disappeared and out of sight. We certainly didn’t want Him to see which direction we had gone in for he would have sussed out maybe which Equestrian Centre we were from.
A few Days Later, my Apprentice went to the Shell Service Station at Golden Grove and who should pull into the Pumps?……yes, “The Man with the Iron Bar”, complete with Crutches and a Broken Leg. How did he get that. I wonder? I do hope it was from an Iron Bar!!!!!!!
The Horses all turned out great, the Race Horse went back to duty, the Breaker went back to his Owner and the Warmblood went on to compete at Dressage again, despite bolting with Hickinbottom………..but……….a couple of Years later, my Wife put Him up for Sale……
We had $10,000 on Him back then. A Lady rang from WA and purchased Him over the phone, depositing the $10,000 in our Bank, but, on the condition that Her Coach would come and have a ride, a Level 3 from Perth, Male. He was conducting Clinics in Adelaide.
He arrived and rode the Horse for 20 Minutes but had shockingly fixed Hands. The very next Day, Linda got on the Horse to ride it and it Bolted on Her, twice.
I dogged Him the following Day and refunded the $10,000. The Lady doesn’t even know what happened. We just changed our Mind. I wonder if she will ever know how lucky she was. I hope she got rid of ‘Mr. Iron Fists” (can’t remember his name or I would write it)

I have Thousands of Stories of Agistees behaving badly over the Years but was reminded of this one when Serita Stratton from the Academy of Dressage has been fighting to remove 1 Star reviews ( in quick succession) on Facebook.
We had a Male Agistee a couple of Years back, named Craig——–from Lewiston. He was a devoted Father and a very talented Electrician but had some Personality traits that had the potential to make Him hard to handle should he not get his way. I had Him read in advance and trod most carefully around Him. He was great. He was responsible for installing a lot of the 12 Volt Power systems at Gainsborough and had his facility super.
Then one Day, Mrs. HP ( who never upsets a Soul) mentioned to Him ( whilst teaching his Daughter and mindful of Her Insurance) that his Daughters Horse ( Daughter very nervous and Horse a Standardbred) which had fallen to the Ground more than once with Her, should possibly be Veterinary investigated or retired for the Horse presenting a real Danger to his Young Daughter.
. Mrs. HP rode the Horse for them, assessed it and could feel that if it were not for Her knowledge and experience, it would have also fallen with Her on that Day.
Weeeeeeeeeee’llllllllll, he fired up and verbally attacked Mrs. HP, upsetting Her quite a bit, for she is not used to that. I stayed away from it at that point, trying to keep the Peace and for his Daughters sake as well.
Then, not long after, ( I had stayed out of his vicinity as Mrs. HP runs Agistment) he approached me and complained that the Drainage run, on the side of our Road and in front of his Gate, was causing his Daughter to not be able to undo the Gate, as it was too high. ( which is was not of course and had been like it for 25 Years of agistees :)….. OK, so the Customer is always right’ and I altered the fall so that she could easily reach it……..all was well, just another overly protected Kid of these Days.
Then one Day, whilst driving the Bobcat past his facility, he stormed up to me with a bright red face, screaming at me. Screaming about how dare my Wife would say that his Daughters Horse was suspect and that he should get rid of it. I saw the other side of Him, which of course I always knew was below the surface.
Weeeelllllll :)……..he had ‘steam coming out of his Ears’ but this time he had gone too far. As I drove up 50 metres to the parking location for the Bobcat, he was coming along, screaming at me.
I parked it, turned it off and leapt out but he had then done the Bolt towards the exit Gate and Car Park, yelling “You touch me and I will call the Police and sue You for assault”….Hell that made me feel good, I thought I was Young again, where a Pensioner could put the fear up a 50 Year old “Big Fulla”
I do admit, I did get ‘the Irish up’ and I did walk after Him a bit, telling Him “to come here while I pull Your bloody ears off “
He left shortly after, purchased a place at Lewiston but 12 Months later, I looked over my Shoulder one Day as I felt vibes, at the Dressage when I was filming Mrs. HP, and there he was, 10 Metres behind me. His Daughter was competing…….but on a different Horse..…….”I wonder if he thought we had a Clue?”
Anyhow, to the point re Sarita Stratton, shortly after, an unknown Person gave us a lovely ..Google review bashing….not……..I could hear Him through the words
Yes, Google is a worry and there is much skulduggery going on in reviews on the Net. Don’t believe them Folks. Many are fraudulent. It’s a failing of the Net, just as we found out last Week in Dubai at the so called 5 Star Hotel that was actually a 3 Star.
It is time for Google and the rest, to be broken up.

I was living at Inglewood, in the Adelaide Hills and I had a cheap Horse advertised. A potential Buyer turned up and I had no idea what Her visit would trigger in the Years ahead.
She was obviously up to no good as she raised the subject of a Person who lived at Golden Grove, a Person I had never heard of and had no interest in. Absolutely nothing to do with the Sale of a Horse.
She went on to bad Mouth Him, even though she explained that she was renting a small Club House at the Property, meant to be for Equestrian activity use. She was attempting to get me to go along with Her Slander. She had no real interest in the Horse and she left.
Now it is significant that Her Brother was a Speed Cop, later to become my Neighbor on the other side of our Equestrian Centre that we later Purchased from Vendors who went Bankrupt. He would later die, allegedly from Suicide but with 2 Bullets involved. 1 in his Hand and one in his Head.
About a half an Hour later, the phone rang and it was future Neighbor, demanding to know why I had just slandered Him to a Girl who had been at my place.
I related the truth of the matter to Him and indeed, jumped in my Car and went down to his Home and knocked on His Door ( not knowing that NO-ONE is ever allowed near his Home and especially his Clients, the Agistees, for the Property was an Equestrian Centre) Pinegrove Equestrian Centre.
Anyhow, I explained to Him Face to Face and left without incident but I guess I was lucky for he was quite an imposing individual. ( he was the dead double of footballer Barry Hall) I had no idea about his history. I forgot all about it.
About 12 Months later, we purchased our Equestrian Centre, also at Golden Grove, forgetting all about the earlier incident but over the following 10 Years, we sure were reminded of Him, for he was now our Neighbor on the Western Side and he came with quite a reputation.
He had basically terrorized the District, Property by Property in 2 Year stints.
These events included some of the following:
Terrorizing the Neighbor adjoining his Southern Boundary, where the Tails of Eventing Horses disappeared in the Night, among other things. Then……
That Gentleman ( an Earth moving Contractor) naively drove into Pinegrove Stables, with a Truck load of Fill, saying that he had been told by the then own of our Equestrian Centre, (Ann Simmons) that he was wanting to build a Creek crossing and that he may want some fill.
The Truckie arrived and the ‘Neighbor’ calmly said Yes, even after the Truckie explained that there were a few pieces of Concrete in among the Dirt as he was directed to the location and backed up to empty the load. All good.However, some time thereafter, the Truckie received a Summons to attend the Elizabeth Courts, for damages as the ‘Neighbor’ had to pay for the removal of it as it had a few pieces of Concrete in it.
Now ‘The Neighbor’ was highly skilled in the Court and indeed won the Case but subsequently, the Truckie was found hanged to His Death :(** Remember the Magistrate)
Then one fateful Night, a Young Man snuck into the Neighbors 10 acre Property, which was secured well and was caught raiding a Drug Crop.He chased Him up One Tree Hill Road, onto Seaview Road, where he ran the Car off the Road and then shot the Driver in the Face with a Shot Gun, the Cartridge of which had been emptied of Lead and re-filled with rock Salt.At the same time, a Birthday Party had been taking place, in the Dining Room of what would become our Gainsborough Equestrian Centre, for a Young Lass and as the Candles were being blown out for the 5 year old and Her Friends, the front Door of the Home was kicked in by Star Force Officers’ wielding Riot Shot Guns and Armalite Rifles………..they had gone to the wrong House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the run up to the Court Case, (Attempted Murder) the witness was too fearful to assist the Police much and the case fizzled.
- On the Eastern side of ‘ The Neighbor ‘ was another Equestrian Centre ( Golden Grove Equestrian Centre) and regularly, he would jump the Boundary Fence in a rage and do things like Grab the Owner who would be teaching Horse Riding to a Pupil on the Arena, lift Him off the Ground by the Shirt front and ‘roar like a Bull’ at Him. Yes, it was a wonderful District to live.
- My Wife owned a Yellow Holden Kingswood :)…the Neighbor went and purchased a Green Holden Kingswood.
- My Wife sold Her Kingswood and purchased a Bronze Toyota Corolla. The Neighbor sold his Kingswood and purchased a bronze Toyota Corolla. **Remember the Cars
** He didn’t have a Drivers’License.!!
Then we Purchased next door to Him, without realizing, not knowing about any of this and as I said, not even considering that he would be dangerous for I had gone and spoken to Him without event.
So we purchased, moved in and got down to work on the run down Property, not dreaming what would befall us in the Years to come 🙁
He terrorized us for Years, basically Daily but often Nightly for he was the Master of leaving signs and to psychologically intimidate. Day and Night, the signs, the terror.
He tried everything to intimidate my Young Wife, on Her Horse and would stand, learning over the Fence, 2 metres from Her as she went down the Long Side. He failed to factor in though, that she was an ‘O’Leary Woman” and Dutch as well 🙂
When that didn’t work, he purchased a loud Trail Bike and as she would go down the long side, he would roar down alongside of Her, doing hand stands on the Bike, but again, he failed.
You would wake up in the Morning and the Arena Flood Lights would be turned on, the Electric Fences turned off, Horses clipped to Gates via their Rugs and other stuff. All to give you the sign, he was there.
So he graduated. He applied to the Council and they didn’t advise us, that he could put Wood Chips right along his front Fence (the Horse Trails) thus forcing the the Districts Riders to ride close to the speeding 80k Cars and Trucks, endangering Life. Aimed at us of course.
One Morning, Linda rode Her Horse down to the Dressage Arena, which was only 2 metres from his boundary fence, which was Barbed Wire, Sheep Wire, Plain Wire and Cement Posts, all falling down and ancient and the entire 60 metres of fence, was cut into pieces and laying in the centre of our Dressage Arena.
At the time, we had a restraining order against Him, as did many others, so we went straight to the Golden Grove Police Station, to report the matter but to our absolute shock, he was already there, speaking over the Counter to a Uniformed Officer, wanting to report that we had destroyed the Fence. We sat down and awaited our call. I quickly slotted that Officer into the back of my Mind, for future reference.
What intrigued me then, was that the Officer took “The Neighbor” into the interview Room to take a statement, not us.
Anyhow, half hour later it was our turn and we said our thing and left……..but…..the very next Day, the same Officer, arrived at our Home and interviewed me for the theft of a broken white post from the side of the road opposite Garden Grove 🙂 He actually reported me for Larceny!!!! I knew he was dirty immediately and not long later, the charge was withdrawn and I got the Officer the sack from the South Australian Police. *****remember Him……….
Then came the Hand delivered Letter to us, at the Golden Grove Post Office, no stamps, which told me that he too was a Mate of the Neighbor. The Letter basically said that we were to desist in touching his Fence. ** Remember the Post Master
7 Days Later, we received a Summons, in the Elizabeth Court, for $3,500, for the replacement of the damaged Fence. I appeared on the Summons and went along to the Elizabeth Court, armed with a Quote from Elders, for a Roll of Barb, a roll of Cyclone and a roll of Plain, for $112.60, where I volunteered to the Court, that I would replace the Wire, if they would order Police protection. The Court accepted my offer and so ordered the Neighbor to pay half. The Fence was fixed……….however………
a few Weeks later, another Summons was served upon us, this time for the ‘loss of agistment in the paddock’ because the fence had been destroyed by us. Of course it hadn’t and of course there had never been agistment in that Paddock, only ever the Neighbor’s Wife’s 2 Horses, so anyone going to the Court are going to have to purger themselves.
Now I am extremely casual and don’t get riled up easy but after 2 Years of Hell and now this again, the ‘Irish was up’ and it was time to give it back to Him. I appeared on the Summons and took it to Trial.
He had 3 witnesses and I had their statements. Carol Calderwood ( the Wife) who wouldn’t be believed by the Court as she was related, a Maria Bootle (who I think is the Sister of the Wife (who had also been bashed from time to time and had a Restraining Order on Him) an Yvonne Halfpenny and a Bankrupt previous Owner of Gainsborough, a Sally Turner.
I also had several witnesses, including the R.S.P.C.A.. They were to give evidence about the use of the R.S.P.C.A. Camera, which photographed the Fence in it’s entirety, a Week prior to it’s destruction because after I received the Letter of Warning to not touch the Fence, my psychic reading of Him was that I had better get it done in case something happened. He was in for one Hell of a Shock.
The Case started, all the witnesses were outside, glaring at each other 🙂 Up get’s the Neighbor, very imposing and experience Court Operator. I am the Defendant. He has to get in the Witness Box and make his allegations about us pulling down the Fence and his losses on agistment. He did that for 5 Minutes and then I was asked if I had any questions for Him :)…….”I sure do Your Honour”
The time was 10.15am. The Court adjourned at 4pm and I still had Him in the Witness Box. He was losing it. When the Day started, there was one Sheriff in the Court, at Lunch time there were 2 and later, 3. The Police Prosecutors from other Courts, were coming in during the Lunch break, to watch the Show Trial, with the Bully Thug getting his 🙂
Anyhow, I çut Him to Ribbons’ and we adjourned to the next Day. He was left alone by his ‘Star Witnesses. They all fled, hearing about what was about to befall them 🙂 They had provided written statements and were about to lie to the Court. Roll on the next Day………
I also cross examined Him about other Matters that had emerged during the investigation about how he had been targeting me, for some time prior, by injuring 3 Horses that I had sold to various Clients, those Clients agisting their new Horses, at Pinegrove Stables.
David Lynch had 2 lovely Galloway’s. One had Acid poured across it’s Rump one Night, the third Horse was owned by Sue Harness and it had a Knife placed in it’s Mouth and ripped out the side.
The first questions I posed to Him, were these…….
- What was the condition of the Fence that was pulled down?….to which he explained that it was wonderful.
When I then asked for the R.S.P.C.A. Photographs be admitted as Exhibits, he almost died. The Court approved that and……..
- “I want You to look at these Photos of the said Fence. What is the condition that you are seeing within the Photographs, taken prior to your destruction of it/????
At this point, he totally lost it and started screaming at the Judge, that I was a Murderer hahah.
At this point, he totally lost it and started screaming at the Judge, that I was a Murderer hahahaha. At this point, the very mild mannered Magistrate, LOST IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He yelled the following…….
“That’s it Mr. ——————, I have had enough of Your Vitriol. Case dismissed. You will pay $4,800 Court Costs, which are awarded against You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Case adjourned.”
He never ever paid of course. Scum Bags don’t pay Courts. You and I pay for Scum Bags.
After the Case, the Sheriffs escorted all of us across the Carpark to our Cars, telling us that the Plaintiff was a Nutter.
Our Restraining Order ran out a couple of Weeks Later. Midnight on the 31st January 🙁 We were all very worried, however, all remained peaceful and indeed, he changed his attitude towards us, roaring into our front Gate one Day, to save a Foal that had been dragged under a Fence by a Stallion, saying “that’s what Neighbors are for” 🙂 and I would chat with Him in the Super Market. Respect is a marvelous thing and for the first time in 10 Years, he had found some.
aha. At this point, the very mild mannered Magistrate, LOST IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He yelled the following…….
“That’s it Mr. ——————, I have had enough of Your Vitriol. Case dismissed. You will pay $4,800 Court Costs, which are awarded against You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Case adjourned.
He never ever paid of course. Scum Bags don’t pay Courts. You and I pay for Scum Bags.
After the Case, the Sheriffs escorted all of us across the Carpark to our Cars, telling us that the Plaintiff was a Nutter.
Our Restraining Order ran out a couple of Weeks Later. Midnight on the 31st January 🙁 We were all very worried, however, all remained peaceful and indeed, he changed his attitude towards us, roaring into our front Gate one Day, to save a Foal that had been dragged under a Fence by a Stallion, saying “that’s what Neighbors are for” 🙂 and I would chat with Him in the Super Market. Respect is a marvelous thing and for the first time in 10 Years, he had found some.
You will remember the Trigger to all of this. The Female who came to buy a Horse from me? She lived at Pinegrove Stables.
Well, she had a Brother. A serving South Australian Police Officer (Speed Cop) and a good Mate of ours. He lived on our Eastern Boundary, with his Wife ( a Vet) and his 4 Sons under 10 years.
You will also remember the Post Master, handing me the warning Letter, UN-STAMPED and therefore a Mate of the Neighbor.
Well the Speed Cop went to the new Post Office,(at Greenwith) to collect his Mail. While he waited, he wandered around looking at the displays. There were some Thongs hanging up. Brand Name THUGS…..”Thongs that Hug”…….and he turned to the Post Master and asked about them. Within Days, a pair of Thongs, in Glen’s Size (which is always the case as a sign he has been at Your Door) were hung on his Gate, with a Card from the Neighbor, with one word on it……ENJOY!! He had found his next Victim and began terrorizing Glen Nitske, a serving Police Officer!!!!!
Glen loved his Sons’ and would take them 4 Wheel Driving around Australia and to the Tamworth Country Music Festival, often.
One Morning, I walked out the front Door and noted a Male with long Hair and a back pack on, walking past our place, towards Glens Home. ( You never saw walkers on that Road back then) About half an Hour Later, I drove out, down 2k, to get Petrol and saw the same Dude with the backpack, walking back towards Adelaide, heading over the Hill towards Garden Grove. I got the Petrol and went Home, but when I arrived, I saw an Ambulance and Police Cars at Glen’s Residence!!…….he was dead. His own Service Revolver. One Bullet in the Hand and one in the Head. His Sons were in the House.
We were interviewed by the Homicide Squad. We gave our statement………..
At the same time, a Detective Buckskin….from GREENWITH, was arrested for corruption, giving information to Bikie Gangs. The allegations involved the Gy psy Jok ers.
Now we had been thankful, for total peace from the Neighbor, for a couple of Years. Zero contact, however, shortly after our Witness Statement was given to the Homicide Squad, we were advised by our Post Office at Surry Downs, that there was a Parcel there for us. We went down and collected it but upon opening it, were welcomed to a Gift of 2 pairs of Thongs. One in my size 10 and one pair in Linda’s size 6, with a Card with a one word message on it. “Enjoy” You be the Judge, you have read enough now and must have a feel for this Case??
I decided to attend the Police Integrity Unit and lodge a complaint about our Files being accessed by the Gy psy Joc kers but was kindly assured by the Officer attending, that we needn’t worry because Detective Buckskin was not dealing with the former Bikie Gang but actually the F i n k s. I did raise my Eye Brows.
The following Night, on the TV News, reporting of the Supreme Court Case, stated that the good Detective had been giving information to the G J.!!!!!!!!!!!!
You will remember the copying via Purchases of Cars. Now, there is another weird event.
Linda and Her Mother, used to live on Hanaford Hump Road, on 100 acres. They built a Home there. One Night, we were watching TV News and saw a story about a Home invasion having occurred on Hannaford Hump Road, Drug related and indeed, it was the former Home of my Wife and Her Family. Not much was thought of it at the time. However…….
2 Months later, we had a Party in the Hay Shed at Gainsborough and during the evening, someone ordered Pizzas from the local Pizza Shop, next door to the Old Golden Grove Post Office. The delivery Driver started up the conversation about how he lived up on Hannaford Hump Road and that there was this weird Bloke who lived in a House up there. He rode a Push Bike, with a full faced Helmet, where none of the Locals could get a look at who he was.
Just then my Apprentice exclaims, I know that Bloke, I saw Him come down the Hill last Week and he turned into the Driveway of Pinegrove Stables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He related that some of the Neighbors were having issues with this Bloke and that certain weird things had been happening……like a Horse being tied up on a freshly poured Concrete Floor of a Hay Shed, during the Night.
He related though, that there was an Old Lady who also lived up there and that she had been giving Him as good as he gave……….but………..SHE HAS JUST BEEN FOUND HANGED BY THE NECK and is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyhow, I could go on and on for this is the short story. Younget the picture. The Neighbor from Hell!!!!!
“The Mongrels I have met”

I was organizing my Sydney Clinic and a well known International Trainer ( who I had previously come to the aid and support of early in his Career for he was not being well received on Youtube) giving Him credibility, who has made his name using the “Endorphin Tap’ told me that he had approached Equitana, about entering the next ‘Way of the Horse’ ( the Horse starting competition)
They were skeptical They had agreed that they were will to assess Him, if he could find a venue to provide the opportunity, so I immediately offered to help Him by offering him the opportunity to do it at my Clinic in NSW. ( I must have been mad, thinking back)
He hit me up to pay his Air Fares from Hong Kong and I did, paid return Air Fares for the Trip. In fact, I paid all expenses for everyone involved, including from Western Australia for another Trainer and his Wife. (more about that later)
Anyhow, the Equitana People came and the Trainer put on his Show. ( Sandy Simmons was one of them)
We stopped all of our work for a long period (so as not to allow them to inspect ours of others systems) and he worked on a number of Horses. They decided to not invite Him to Equitana..
Anyhow, after returning Home, I was alerted to the fact that I had been unfairly scammed because and indeed, he had organized his own Clinic IN THE SAME VENUE, the Day after I had gone Home, and as well, flew onto New Zealand, for a pre-arranged Clinic over there, but didn’t inform me about. He kept it all a complete secret from me ……ex jockeys
Meanwhile, I noticed at the first Dinner at the end of Day 1, that there was subtle vibes going on, between another Trainer and His Wife, who I had flown from WA. I didn’t realize why but later found out that he had been on a ‘Bender’ the Night before, all Night, tracked by his Wife across Sydney, via the Credit Card, Night Club to Night Club. I couldn’t believe it!!!! …..2 for 2.
When it came to the Melbourne Clinic, I was more aware of his activities and demanded of His Wife, a deal, whereby if I paid Her Air Fares from WA, as well as his, and gave Her a new Saddle ( which I did) that she would ‘Baby Sit’ him and ensure Professionalism for the massive task of dealing with 30 Horses over 2 Days, in front of a big Crowd. She agreed.
We drove 12 Hours from SA, towing the Float, arriving in Victoria at about 5pm and I almost ran off the Road when we approached the Gate of the Equestrian Centre for there he was AND HIS WIFE, he sitting on a new Carton of Beer and drinking. I held my Lip for all concerned but could have killed the Wife.
Later, I took everyone to a Local Pub, for Dinner and noticed that his Wife was sitting with our Group but Jennings, was up and down the Bar, drinking Bourbons and meeting all the Locals. Dinner was served about an Hour later and eye brows raised, when he came to the Dinner Plate, both eating their Meal with their bare Hands How embarrassing? Again, I held my Lip.
When I had booked the Equestrian Centre, I also booked 2 Holiday Units, one for us and one for he and his Wife. The MASTER Unit for us and the smaller one for them.
We arrived back and upon arrival at the Units, found that they had already moved into the Master Unit, so again, we held our Lip and settled in for an extremely important Night, to be able to face so many unbroken and ‘Problem Horses’ the next Day, in front of 300 People and desperately needing all the sleep we could get.
I haven’t probably mentioned this before but I have extreme Tinnitus, caused by being on the end of a Sniper’s Rifle for 2 Years ( without any Ear protection) I don’t wake up once asleep BUT I DID ON THIS NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…1am, from the noise of a Party, coming from their Room. I could not believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!
I asked Mrs. HP to text ring the complimentary Baby Sitter, the Wife but received no response, so a few Minutes later, I burst out of Bed and into their Room. There she was, sitting on the Bed, looking at the Mobile Phone, whilst Hubby Partied, still drinking but worse still, he had corralled another Trainer, Justin Halling from SA ( my Brothers apprentice) , who I had also brought across, to replace another South Australian who had been injured. Justin had flown in at around 9.30pm and He too could not get to Bed, he must have been shocked indeed.
I read the ‘Riot Act’ to He and Her and sent them to Bed. The Clinic proceeded successfully, amazing really, although extremely tiring and drained with it all. No more Clinics I declared to my Wife and NO MORE Apprentices. She happily agreed!
Not long after our return Home, I was contacted by a Lady who has been a big supporter of ours over the Years and she owns a big Horse Stud in Rural NSW. I didn’t realize it but at the Clinic, she had approached this WA Trainer and offered to fly Him from WA to work on Her string of Young Horses, which he did.
She contacted me shortly afterwards, beside Herself and severely traumatized, as were Her Horses, one being injured and requiring the Vet but there was more.
She actually had to move out of the Station after a few Days, staying with Her Mother in Town as she could no longer put up with the Drunken abuse to the Family, the physical abuse to the Horses and indeed, having to regularly clean Human Faeces off the Walls of the Toilet.
So it may come to no surprise that I cut ties with both aforementioned in this Story but we weren’t finished yet………..
My Apprentice, also had an Alcohol problem but we didn’t realize that it was a severe as it was. One Night, we had a few Drinks around the Camp Fire at Gainsborough and around 11pm, everyone adjourned for the Night, to be ready for Work the next Day…….or we thought so………the Apprentice had not. He stayed alone, at the Fire, still drinking.
Some Hours later, I was awoken by the sound of a Male Voice in the Bedroom next Door but as I said, I couldn’t pick up exactly what was being said and immediately thought he must have escorted one of the last remaining Ladies to his Room and was enjoying Himself….I nodded off again.
Sometime later, Mrs. HP was awoken also and could hear the repeated sounds of moaning so she got up and gingerly entered his Room, shockingly to find Him in danger of Death with severe 3rd degree burns to his Legs. He had fallen to a drunken sleep at the Fire, which had set his Boots and Jeans on fire, where he must have awoken, ripping his clothes off (where they were burnt to shreds, as was his Mobile Phone) and staggered to his Bed rather than calling for help.
The first Ambulance that came immediately called a second one for he needed intensive care and immediate Morphine, drips and the works. So very sadly, after years of work, promotion of careers, we had 3 for 3 . We saved his Life that Night and he was in the intensive care burns unit for some time. It was very sad 🙁 Lovely Lad too!
The Star Pupil
He was from WA and earning little money. He and his Wife were Fans and so I invited him to my first WA Clinic. Shortly after, he was able to double his Fee in WA and soon became the busiest Trainer and with a long waiting list. another ‘Mr Quiet Guy’ and You never know what you got with them.
He went great and I invited Him to my second and third Clinics in WA, giving Him much promotion and making Him a Household name over there.
Sadly, and without me knowing, he had befriended the “Binge Drinking Trainer” in the story above and that was obviously his downfall. One of my Clients sent a Horse to Him to start and on the very first ride of the Horse, I was sent the Video below. Filmed by the Owner 🙁
I sacked Him immediately and that was the end of Blokes for me. Disgusting. The Horse was injured during this event too 🙁
All very talented in their own right, all had much promise. I was telling an Old Mate of mine, Glen Denholm, a Master Horseman, also from NSW, about this and he gave me a Tip, he said…..” I learnt a long time ago, get a good Female. They are far more solid and won’t let You down.” I will always remember those words and have flirted with a few since but never completely put my name on them, in fear of being burnt again.

In 1969, as a Brother a little concerned that my Young Brother needed to settle down a bit :), and knowing that he had a Passion for Training Racehorses but was Single and broke as we always are at the Young Ages, the Property that saw the start of Young Bart Cummings and the Melbourne Cup Winner, Comic Court who broke Pharlaps record. The Property had be owned by the Bowyer Family for many Years but then sold to prominent Adelaide Real Estate Developer, Ian Quigley, who later built the East End Markets precinct in the Adelaide City Centre.
Well the Locals down in them parts back then, HATED anyone new arriving in the District. It was a default and cart blanche shunning of them and the District Council was run by a Bloke called Tom Liddon…….with an ‘Íron Fist” One Sheriff Town, Quigly had laid the foundations for a Beach House, down the back of the 67 acre Property, on top of the Sand Dunes where he had Bulldozed and put in a Gravel flat area. “Like Hell You are said Tom Liddon” and took Quigley to the Courts, where the Sheriff won :), so Quigley decided to sell and I purchased it for my Brother to settle down and start training Race Horses, which I must say, has turned out most successfully for He has a long and distinguished Career via O’Leary Racing.
The Property has some wonderful memories for us and formed many mile stones in our lives. One of them formed my ‘Life’s Stories’ last Week, regarding the World’s richest Quarter Horse Race being run there, but many others.
I moved down there a few Years later and together, we felt the wrath of the Locals, for many Years, to the point where when ever we walked into the front Bar of the Normanville Hotel, all Locals would get up and move their Bar Stools to the opposite end of the Bar to us, with a complete ‘No Mans Land’ between us. Completely vacant, for the entire time we were in the Pub. One Night, we decided to go to the Yankalilla Hotel for a change and ended up getting ‘King Hit’ by the Son of the Publican and then all physically belted up by the entire patronage, all the way out the front Door and into the Car Park. I remember the last Punch to the Face came from a big fulla named Michael Hill who many Years later, I went to the Council to speak in support of his application to build the Links Lady Bay I had severe concussion through the experience.
Speaking of Hotels, back then, the Normanville Hotel was owned by a bloke called Brian Stevens, who had put it up for Sale and a bloke named Bob Blacklock, from Sydney, wanted to buy it. Hell no said the Locals, we can’t have Him in the District but because we were 10 Years in and had started to prove ourselves to be half acceptable ( my being the Full Forward in the 1970 Grand Final which Yankalilla won) they allowed me to buy the Hotel, which I did but assigned the Contract to Bob Blacklock, prior to settlement, much to the shock and dismay of all around hahahahaha. ( The Daughters would not know that story) I think it is still in the Family name. I see it was 1973 when I purchased it on behalf of Blacklock.
Anyhow, I had started a successful Horse Trail Riding along the Beach at the back of the property and escorted out over the Years, in excess of 50,000 People, including to the Normanville Hotel for Lunch or Drinks.
Among other things, we mastered the old Sunshine Binder The Locals told us we could never grow a Crop on that Land because of the Salt content but 12 Months later, we proved them wrong, with a Crop over the top of the Fence but then we also had to master the art of the Pitch Fork and did, loading the Semi in an hour.
Then one Day ( don’t know why) but the Black Friar Catholic School had a Summer Camp down the back of our Property and it came up for Sale. I purchased that to complete the shape of the Boundaries and to stop Visitors coming down the back and for some reason, I decided that we should build a Caravan Park on the location, especially as Quigley had put a Road over to the magnificent Beach. I climbed up on top of the roof of the magnificent ‘Fergussons Mill‘ one Day and took this Pic with my ‘Box Brownie Camera, walked inside and drew these Lines
………enter Tom Liddon He denied it and fought me for Years
Anyhow, Years later ( I think he admired my persistence and was warming to us a bit) he granted permission and Today stands the Beachside Caravan Park.
and I just noted in Google, that plenty around the Country like the name
We built the Caravan Park with our bare Hands and even had to blow the entire Power trenching, with Gelignite ( which you could buy off the shelf back then) as just beneath the surface of the dirt, was Corral Reef, with Sea Shells and the like We had no shortage of Fish either in those Days, for it was only a short Walk over the Dunes and to throw half a stick of Gelly into the Water and pick up the Garfish for Lunch
The Septic Tank was huge and had to be pumped out to a Dam about 200 metres away. We built it too, on site and had to blow a massive hole to do it.
I will never forget the Day that it opened, for we were inside the Septic Tank when Vans started arriving. We couldn’t believe our eyes when we peeked out, for they were lined up 300 metres up the entrance road and about 200 metres down the Main South Road and yet we hadn’t advertised. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!……..”Quick Boys, we got to get this hired Form work out of here” as we feverishly worked to a sweat like in a Sauna, with Jacks and other equipment, to retrieve the Steel Forms but alas, before we could get them all, People started using the Toilets after driving 100k from the Big Smoke and we had to scamper out just as urgently as those attending the Toilets above……anyhow, it was a great success and became instantly very popular because of the wide Sandy Beaches just 100 metres away. The Hire Company wasn’t impressed and we had to buy new one’s for them
Caravan Parks are identical to Equestrian Centers. The same profile of Humans habituate them. “Alpha Mares” ‘Bullies” and the rest. You always have someone wanting to ‘throw their weight around’ and make out it’s their place, but I finally beat them in this Caravan Park.
I hired a Manager. A retiring Boss of Evan’s and Clark, Antique Furniture Auctioneers. Tony was a Pom with the usual sense of Humor and was a Classic at controlling People.
The first Week he was there, he started a Star Sticker System for their Rent Books and would give a Gold Star for some and down the list all the way to the Black Star. Weeeellllllllll!!!!! he had them in the “palm of his Hand’ in no time as they were all pre-occupied with getting a Gold Star. Humans Folks. Weird creatures 😉
As Part of my lobbying the District Clerk, I formed the SOUTHERN Fleurieu Tourist Association and later became the Chairman of the Fleurieu Regional Tourist Association and before this time, the word SOUTHERN had never been used in connection with the Fleurieu Peninsula but as it crept into the jargon of People and Businesses, it is now used widely. Anyhow, I recently gifted the Business name to the Victor Harbor City Council, at their request.
Then one Day, I got a Phone call from a Lady, who said……..”Do You do Horse rides longer than an hour ( which we hadn’t) as we have a Work Group that I would like to take for half a Day “. That made me scratch my Head so I said I would get back to Her, walked outside, Saddled my Horse and rode off down the Beach, to see if I could get through the Rocks down past Lady Bay, and get into the Paddocks of the Wirrina Holiday Resort, which I did manage to, with only a 200 metre section of Bitumen Road…..and so they came and we went for half a Day, all the way down to the Resort and took the Pack Horses for Lunch around the Camp Fires.
and with Views like this
and you can see where we came off the Beach here and finished at the top of the Cliffs for Lunch and the ride.
Well this became a Weekly event and again, we took many People on those Rides, later down to the Holiday Park complex and their BBQ’s.
Then another Phone Call…..Peter J Daniels
would we be able to take the Fathers and the Sons of the Edwardstown Baptist Church, on a 3 Day Ride, June long Week end? ……..and back on my Horse I went, this time on a long ride, attempting to commence the first true Holidays on Horseback rides, in this Country.
I ventured into the High Country, spoke with the Government, found an Old derelict Bluestone Historic Homestead in the Forest Country and many other locations for lunches, among some Country that remains a secret in this State. One of the Fathers was 125kg and 6 foot 6 inches but because our policy was max 90kg, they went and sourced their own Horse ( a 14.2 Hand Pony from Victor Harbor) We couldn’t believe our eyes but the Horse astounded us, doing the 3 whole Days in rugged Country and never putting a foot wrong. Super Horse. Then of course, we took Thousands out on 2,3 and 4 Day rides which then became replicated across the Country, by others, especially in the real High Country in Victoria and NSW. The Historic Building we were using had a massive Fire Place, open at each end and we used to drag logs in their with our Horses. The Parties were something to behold.
The characters were a plenty. It was a Single Mens’ Camp in those Days and we used to go to the Courts and save Violent Young enraged Men from Goal, by promising to rehab them, which did many….OMG……the stories I could tell You. Luckily, we could fight better, drink better and had the goods to put them back in their Boxes when they stepped out of Line. We came up with a Boxing Ring on the main lawns, complete with Referee and Corners, should they start picking on any others on the Camp and would have to fight it out properly. We saved them all, none went back to Goal and indeed, one of them is seen here as our Pack Horse Man Tex.
I remember one Night, having come back from the Normanville Pub, putting a Dead Fox in his Bed with Him, such was his condition at the time lol……next Morning he came out firing though
We had a Pet Galah, his name was ‘Ravioli’ because I came across Him in blinding Rain one late Night, having just picked up take away, in Rostrevor, Adelaide. He was feisty and quick with the beak and so I stuck Him in a Cardboard Box whilst I ate my late Night Meal but before I could finish my ‘Ravioli’ he came bursting out, having eaten his way through the Box, just like that. He became a Legend at Comic Court and would fly down 5k to the Normanville Jetty each Morning and meet our Race Horses coming back from work on Carrickalinga Beach, swoop down and land on the shoulder of one of the Riders and hitch his way Home He wasn’t so welcome at the Catholic Church which was across from the Homestead, on the other side of the Main South Road.
A knock came to the Door one Morning and there, dressed in Black, was the Local Priest, Father Michael Heaven ( aptly named I thought) He explained to me that he certainly believed in the Divine right of God’s Animals and that our Galah had been attending Church recently, wandering down the aisle and perching on the front Pue, but things had become a little embarrassing of Late as the tone of some of his language was a little unbecoming of the Service, so could we lock Him in on Sunday Mornings???? So poor Ravioli was grounded on Sundays, much to his disdain
Shortly after, two Blokes came to the Door and asked if they could drive down the back and go fishing. I said Yes of course, not thinking about Ravioli, who later flew down to the Beach to visit them. They stole Him and we never saw Him again 🙁
The Mongrels I have met!
Then of course, came the building of the proper Race Course on the Property, with irrigation and the terrible fateful Day that we were approached by the Committee of the South Australian Sprint Racing Association. ( See previous Life Stories.)
It was time for me to go, new Horizons beckoned but I knew I had to leave the Property in the Ownership of my Brother, so I came up with a Plan to design and apply for a subdivision, across from the Caravan Park, to blend with and totally suit the ‘amenity of the area’, with single level Log Homes, Streets like Çlancy of the Overflow Lane’ and so on, and by this time, having obviously won the District Clerk, got it approved.
I sold the 5 acres and the approvals, to a bloke who would You believe sold it on to….wait for it…….yes, Michael Hill He then went and built this instead. ( as an aside, the Chairman of the Council that Night was Wendy Hunt, the previous Chair of Equestrian South Australia. She always loved positions of power 🙂
So at the end of the Day, we ended up being responsible for quite an extensive change to the District.
Anyhow, I was gone but High Country Trails is still running and has now escorted hundreds of Thousands of Riders out on Beach Rides. Michael Hutchins, John Farnam, John Stevens, Angry Anderson and the current Star of Judge John Deed, to name a few. Note the Photo with the Dolphin, Young Dagmar spent Her first 15 Years with us after coming from Switzerland, I put Her into business and got Her Domain name and of course she went onto being very successful here:
Wonderful times, hard work as usual and many fond Memories.

The Ride from Hell that we couldn’t control
It was another life time……we had pioneered “Holidays on Horseback” and indeed, escorted some fifty thousand or so wonderful People to the magnificent High Country of the Southern Fleurieu Peninsula, (not seen by most)
Each Year, we would be booked out by groups of People, especially long Weekends. Incredible variation in Society, like for instance…….The Strippers from Hindley Street ( now that was a wild Party around the Camp Fires 🙂 the Fathers and Sons of the Edwardstown Baptist Church, with Pentecostal interludes and then the group that brought us unstuck at the seams……”The Italian Stallions”, Son’s of the Mafia….Hell of a Ride 🙂
There were about a dozen of them and we would book a corresponding, maybe more, bunch of Ladies, just to balance things up a bit 🙂 Each June long Weekend.
Anyhow, we had to turn the Blind Eye to the Kilo of the Green Stuff that they brought with themselves. So it was the Saturday Night and the Party was starting to Rage. We had a big Old Bluestone Relic in the Forest, with an open Fire Place where you could drag Logs through with the Horses!
Anyhow, being Christian Boys :), we had never tried Drugs, never intended to either, but the pressure came during the Night, for just one puff 🙂 We weakened and just one Puff later, both me and my Brother, could no longer speak

No matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t speak, only Grin!! Everything was funny lol, you could have told us the worst News and all we would do was Grin and point :)…………
Go back a few Years………..we had a Lady Rider book in on one of our 1 hour Beach Rides She was a Professor from the Flinders University and loved Horses……..she never went back!!!! She resigned and lived at High Country Trails for 20 Years 🙂 ‘Head Honcho’ and chief stirrer 🙂 The Life of the Party and Boy, could she Party!!!!!!!
She was on the Ride that Night and was well on Her way when Her two Bosses to that fateful Puff of the Green Weed :)… which she reacted with our worst nighmare, yelling out too all 30 Clients, “Comon, we are all going for a Night Ride”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Brother and I was grinning at each other, bothing no doubt thinking the same thing….like about 5 Deaths coming up, multiple injuries, ambulances in the Night or worse, but all we could do was Grin 🙁
Weeeeeelllllll, up they all got and we found ourselves following 30 pissed People, towards the Horses Holding Paddock, where there was houses 30 Horses, plus Pack Horses and spare Horses.
Now on the Ride, there would have been around 15 Learner Riders, half a dozen Novice Riders, a few Average Riders and no Good Riders and they are all matched with the exact same corresponding Horse profile. Further, each Horse has it’s own individual Tack, to fit the Horses and the corresponding Backsides of the Riders, depending upon weight.
OMG…… we watched in the Torch Light, I swear I saw Drunk Learner Riders, being pulled around the Paddock via the Tail, with one Girl saying “Here fat Pat” (which was a Learner Rider Horse) but she had hold of a 16.2hh Anglo Arab hahahahahaha……and all we could do was Grin 🙂

anyhow, about half an Hour later, with 30 Horses tacked up with the incorrect gear and many with the wrong Riders on them, the Professor ( June Wood) announces as the newly appointed Trail Boss……”Let’s go” and into the Night they went, straight up a 15% Forest Fire Brake, yelling and laughing as they went 🙂
At this point, I don’t remember what we did while we waiting, I might have even gone to me Swag and let God take over :), but an hour later, they all came back, still yelling and laughing and apparently they lost no-one!!!!!!

but don’t ask me how long it took next Morning, to re-assemble the right tack for each Horse, it was a helluva Nightmare, trust me!!
So there You go, the first….and the last puff on the illegal Weed and lottery tickets all around. No we didn’t kill June Wood 🙂 She survived and lived on to preside over many a Party in the future, but no more Night rides for Her !!!! 🙂

Mrs. HP was offered a very nice Warmblood Horse, from Holland and flew there to have a ride. At the time she was having Lessons with a Dutch National Squad Member and so she took the Horse for a group of Lessons, to be able to make up Her mind whether to proceed or not. ($25,000 Air Freight)

Of concern, was the tendency of the Horse to suddenly throw its Head, up into the Face of the Rider and then go on fine, even though the temperament of the Horse was perfect. So in order to rule out any major problems for the future, we decided to pay to have the Horse ridden and trained, for 6 Weeks, after which Mrs. HP would fly back to Holland, taking me with Her, for a final look, prior to Purchase. This is what we saw……..
Indeed, the Horse was precisely the same, with the same problems that were present 6 Weeks earlier.

So whilst no one was around, I got the Horse out of the Stable and examined it’s Mouth of course and what I did find was of course the entire reason for the behaviour of the lovely Horse, it’s TEETH HAD NEVER BEEN DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I booked a Horse Dentist but due to the extent of the problems that He found, he suggested we take the Horse immediately to the Vet, to be treated under general anesthetic, which financially I didn’t need but couldn’t let the lovely Boy endure his pain. So off to the 800 Euro Vet treatment As we were discussing this, in walked the Dutch Coach, who immediately called Him aside and unfortunately, the Faces said it all. Not happy Jan. Indeed, from that moment, she was impossible to Book a Lesson with and yet was not afraid to send the $5,000 account along :).

Now the first key step to every so called ‘problem horse’ is to eliminate the Veterinary’, and so we felt good that we had done the right thing by the Horse, albeit, much to the Dutch Coach’s irritation for she didn’t like me interfering.
So onward for another couple of Weeks, continued the Riding and Training but not with the Coach. She did the completely wrong and ruthless thing but refusing to answer phone calls after that but of course, we didn’t need Her.
The Horse did not come good and so we decided to reject Him, advising the Owner to not bother competing Him for he is unsound but before we left, we filmed a Video to assist others and any future Vet of where to look for possible diagnosis.
So we left Holland, advising the Owner to not compete the Horse again, let Him live happily in his Paddock (13 Year old) but by the time we arrived back in Australia, yep, she had leased Him to a Z Level (Medium) Rider (Male) who could ‘crunch him’ for a competition Life
So out to the Dressage he went, flogged around for 2 Years, at no time stopping his need to throw his Head in the Air, even for the strong Dutch Male. Finally, he went completely lame in a right-hand front Shoulder and was retired. Such a shame, so sad for the lovely Boy that he was.
“I wonder if they thought we had a Clue? “