O’Leary Sand Colic Prevention Remedy


**NOTE – this will be emailed to You. Use for Life. It is NOT a product

The best Prevention on the Planet – 60 Years


O’Leary Sand Colic Prevention Remedy was invented in 1942 by Jo O’Leary (Vet) who was training Racehorses on the Sand Hills of Naracoorte, South Australia.

I have been selling this since 2001 and saved the Lives of countless Horses and no doubt hundreds of thousands of dollars for Owners.

One Horse was sent Home from the Vet Hospital in South Africa after 50 kg out of it.

A PDF File will come to You upon Purchase and last You a lifetime.


This WILL SAVE You serious money!!!!!!! and possibly the Life of Your Horse!!!!






Private Messages to me, about O’Leary Sand Colic Prevention Remedy (from those within) confirms that both Veterinary Hospitals and research facilities in this State, did in 2019, save 2 Horses, by using our Product, after all Veterinary efforts had failed. 

BOTH HORSES WERE SAVED!!!! (look in the Gallery – 2 of those Sand Photos are from Horses that had also been in Vet Hospital for Days.)


FEEDBACK (there have been hundreds) ask if you want proof


29TH AUGUST, 2018


Hi just a whole hearted Thank you for the O’Leary Sand Colic Prevention Remedy. I bought you sand colic recipe ages ago and after the long dry season we have had thought this is it time to give it a go. Followed it to the letter and very happy to say that 7 of the 10 passed loads of sand with no discomfort at all the other 3 no sand so guess they aren’t the vacuum cleaners the others are.

One filly in particular been unhappy and out of sorts for some time , couldn’t be oiled due to ulcers demeaner changed literally over night her runs dried up immediately and 2 days later sand started to clear. Others sand took 2/3 days to move sand another the next day . No horses showed any discomfort.

My horses are predominately paddock run with hay adlib. Have put anyone who asks onto your site . So Thankyou.
Yours Sincerely Veronica



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