Horse Starting Bits





Hi Folks


I have designed these Bits for a couple of reasons:

  • To continue to evolve the Industry for the good of the Horses
  • To provide protection to the outside of the Faces of the Horses, during resistance along with the Mouthing process
  • To provide a Bit with the most control and to not allow “learned resistance’ due to slipping and sliding (which Horses go to School on)……and
  • to have a Bit that is most suited to the ‘Green Horse Stage’, after which the Plastic can be removed and kept in a safe place.


Use Chin Straps with Snaffles Don’t ever use a Snaffle without a Chin Strap




For the record. Myler Brothers in the US, revolutionized Horse Bits a few Years ago and dragged us out of the Age of the ‘Jointed Snaffle’ which always came with the ‘Nut Cracker Effect’ My Thanks for their Spnsorship.



Nut Cracker effect




Having extensively tested them, by riding hundreds of challenged Horses, I made slight changes to design of the Myler Bits, in concert with the Horses giving me their opinion.

Now, as a result, the Horses around the World have spoken, with Letters such as this:




HP Comfort Snaffles


Hi John

Some great feedback from a customer this morning:

HP Relief D Ring with Hooks: Thank you for making such a quality bit available. My young Ngati Awa type gelding has extremely fleshy cheeks and other bits pinched this tender soft tissue. His sensitive tongue did not tolerate much pressure and other bits impeded his swallow – causing a continuous out-flow of saliva during training. He “tolerated” and accepted other bits but only due to his forgiving nature. This new bit has changed everything. He drops his head and takes it from my hand like a piece of apple. The drooling has ceased. His head carriage is relaxed and signals are direct and discreet. Make no mistake – I spent a fortune on quality bits (including Myler) and I did not have great expectations. This has been a real success. Nancy

All the best

Horseproblems Saddlery NZ
fb Horseproblems Saddlery NZ
So the Industry progressive, driven by thinking Horse Trainers!!!


Additional information

Bit Centres

Barrel, Lossenge

All Bit Sizes

4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7

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